County Council Press Release The County Council put out a press release on October 12th indicating that the council is seeking to immediately fill these positions following all 5 commissioners resigning. Residents must apply no later than October 18th Just 6 days after press release The Council is scheduled toContinue Reading

Basic Information Republican Party – running for Montgomery County Council District 6 Email info@voteforviet.comWebsite www.VoteForViet.comFacebook Questions & Responses (All Candidates) 1 – What lessons learned do you have since the start of the pandemic? Screen time did not equal quality learning. In fact, our children are having to cope with historic learningContinue Reading

After much research and discussion amongst our team, here is our recommended ballot for the 2022 General election. Note: Everyone can vote for all of the non-partisan BOE positions. For all election information visit the MOCO Board of Elections here or if you have any questions the social media teamContinue Reading

MOCO Roundup Since so much is going on in the County, I’ve decided to do what I hope will be weekly roundups of all the most important going ons across all local government. The election is coming up and we will have some coverage on that separately – this willContinue Reading

Some new developments in the Casey Anderson story since our last piece on it where Casey Anderson (Montgomery County Planning Board Chair) admitted to and apologized for having a full bar and making drinks and distributing alcohol to groups of people in county offices after hours. Anderson Chairs Meeting RightContinue Reading

Like clockwork, an August press release by Montgomery County, MD government crowed “Montgomery County has maintained its “Triple-A” bond rating for 2022 from the three major Wall Street bond rating agencies.” But there is a glaring difference from the last time Montgomery County politicians put out such a positive spin on localContinue Reading

Paula Bienenfeld’s Campaign Issued Press Release Today Independent Running In order for people to get on the ballot who are not in one of the two primary parties in Maryland they need to collect signatures. This is a very long time consuming process as you need to collect over 1000Continue Reading

Introduction If you haven’t seen, after the recount in the Democratic Primary County Executive race, Marc Elrich won by 32 votes. Local map maker twitter user JamesN has given us permission to share his maps showing precinct voting breakdown for several of the Democratic primary races. You can also subscribeContinue Reading

Editor Note: A recent decision about the charter amendment process has reignited conversation about the last time around. Ballot Question C Added On August 4th 2020 the County Council introduced and adopted a resolution for a ballot question adding two seats to the county council. This question was placed onContinue Reading

Finding The Museum Drive into the quaint village of Sandy Spring, Maryland from points west and you’ll see a fairly nondescript sign for a “Slave Museum” telling you to turn northwest on Brooke Rd.  Follow this road through some twists and turns and on your left, the “Sandy Spring SlaveContinue Reading