Dan Cuda (County Council District 2 Candidate) Answers Moderately MOCO 2022 Candidate Questionnaire

Basic Information

Republican Party – running for Montgomery County Council District 2

Email dancuda76@gmail.com

Website https://www.dancudacouncil2.com/

Questions & Responses (All Candidates)

1 – What lessons learned do you have since the start of the pandemic?

Trust the people when they have been supplied with all relevant information. A pandemic is more than a medical issue, but also economic, educational, and political. For example, a one dimensional response tilted towards medical considerations unnecessarily damages economic
considerations. Particularly at the start of a pandemic, when certainty is least, share what is known and unknown with the people and let them manage their own lives and families aided by government.

2 – If you could go back and do one thing differently from what was done in the last two years in Montgomery County what would you change?

I regret the long-term impact of “the great lockout” on Montgomery County students. There is evidence of learning deficits for most pupils with little discussion of how these gaping educational wounds will be healed in the future.

3 – What do you think are the 3 biggest and most pressing issues facing our county in the next 4 years? Why?

Economic growth is my most significant issue, followed closely by public safety and education. All our other problems get easier with local economic growth. The county operates in a competitive economic environment composed of the surrounding regions. We compare unfavorably to Northern Virginia and even DC. Look at the major businesses leaving Montgomery County like Clark Construction and those who have passed us by like Amazon and Boeing (gone to Virginia). Often existing County leadership speaks of the NIH and Biotech as our economic future. Yet our proximity to NIH will not likely overcome an adverse local business environment – the American Legion bridge and the DC lines are too close.

4 – What specifically do you plan to do in the 3 most pressing areas from Question 3?

Economic Growth: All our other problems get easier with local economic growth. Changing and updating business regulation will require working with the Montgomery County Executive and the five others on the County Council. Not only must regulation be changed but the responsiveness of local government to evaluate and decide on permits must be dramatically improved. We must also work with the Montgomery County delegation to the State Legislature to change appropriate state-wide laws.

Public Safety: The hurried removal of the Maryland Police Officers Bill of Rights in 2020 was supported by all members of current Montgomery County leadership. This hastily enacted provision has undercut our police. Murders in Montgomery County have doubled since this time and other crime metrics are increasing. We must re-examine the role of police in our county and provide them with clear assurances of our support when they treat all our citizens with respect in their difficult work.

Education: We must reaffirm that County Government and its schools operate on behalf of parents and work with judgement on the best interests of their children. The County Council’s $1B+ annual support to local schools should emphasize this principle.

5 – Would you consider supporting changes to electoral process such as open primaries or non-partisan elections in Montgomery County to allow 155,000+ registered Unaffiliated/Independents in Montgomery County to vote locally when it counts?

I would consider these measures, but the current ease of changing
party registration (and changing back), like the process currently
underway with the Democrat David Blair, suggests Independents
understand when their vote counts most.

See the rest of our candidate responses: