ROCKVILLE, MD: May 14, 2023 – By Pieter Friedrich — The Montgomery County Democratic Central Committee (MCDCC), on May 9, held its monthly meeting with a sizable group of school teachers, civil rights activists, and journalists seated in the audience. The meeting was far more raucous than anticipated, with shoutingContinue Reading

Below is a detailed Summary for the first group of planning board commissioner finalists (including direct links to each answer by each person). It is from the May 2, 2023 – Council Session (pm) – You can take a look at our previous piece summarizing the finalists resumes andContinue Reading

On Tuesday 5/2/2023, there was a virtual forum hosted by MCPS and featuring Dr. McKnight, Councilmember Jawando, Dr. Williams and BOE member Silvestre. Esther Wells live tweeted the meeting and her tweets have been cataloged into the piece below with some minor edits for clarity. Q: Budgets are in, whatContinue Reading

Today, the Montgomery County Council announced that the planning board finalists for the remaining two positions (one for planning board chair and a planning board member). Interviews will take place at the Tuesday 5/2 County Council Meeting. We will have more coverage of this following the interviews and more researchContinue Reading

Today, the Montgomery County Council announced that the planning board finalists for the remaining two positions (one for planning board chair and a planning board member). Interviews will take place at the Tuesday 5/2 County Council Meeting. We will have more coverage of this following the interviews and more researchContinue Reading

Montgomery College will have a virtual meeting on May 2, 2023 at 6 pm for public input on the Facilities Master Plan that will be updated for 2023-2033. From MC:  “The Facilities Master Plan defines how the College plans for new and upgraded facilities across all our campuses. Specifically, theContinue Reading

North Hills of Sligo Creek Civic Association (NHSCCA) has partnered with Seasonal Roots, an online farmers market that offers “dirt to doorstep” locally grown and sustainable produce and goods. As part of this partnership, North Hills of Sligo Creek residents and friends can now sign up as members for aContinue Reading

MCPS Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) Course Numbers by School Background and Source Data The number of AP and IB courses offered by high school was analyzed for the years 2020 to 2022. The numbers are found in the “2022 Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate Course Enrollment andContinue Reading