I wanted to attend the Montgomery County Council’s first Hybrid Town Hall Meeting of the new council but I am sick so decided to do my first full on live tweet instead. You can see the full set of tweets here but I’ve also taken those tweets and turned itContinue Reading

New York Post Report According to the New York Post today, a press release from police read that Naod Nega (former resident of Ashton, Maryland in Montgomery County who went to Dematha) “was initially sectioned to a local hospital on Monday, January 23rd after he was threatening students on campusContinue Reading

Last week I sat down to interview a really bright MCPS 9th grader who was introduced to me because they didn’t feel safe at their school and wanted to speak out about it. Our almost 2 hour long talk ranged over a vast array of topics but chief among themContinue Reading

The hypocrisy and irony inherent in HB433: Expanding the Freedom to Serve Act, sponsored by David Fraser-Hidalgo and Cheryl Kagan, are too blatant to go unchecked. The bill states, “There is an ongoing shortage of police officers in our communities. The Freedom to Serve Act will significantly increase the potentialContinue Reading

Just recently, MCPS highlighted some performance data showing improvements over the downturns from 2020 with pandemic school closures. Unbeknownst to most, today the state of Maryland also released their state spring 2022 MCAP assessment data for English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics, so let’s take a look at that. FullContinue Reading

This article is based on the live tweets from Esther Wells with permission and some parts are paraphrased or incomplete based on that limitation. The forum took place tonight 12/21/2022. District 14 Vacancy Governor Elect Wes Moore selected Eric Luedtke to join his inner circle as his chief legislative affairsContinue Reading

Last week Partap Verma testified in a state public hearing about planning board reform with some shocking accusations that the previous chair Casey Anderson improperly held inspector general investigations open. Yesterday (12/19/2022), the Inspector General responded to those public comments with a letter of clarification of testimony denying Verma’s accusations.Continue Reading

We wanted to make it easier to support local businesses and keep more of your money in the community while also helping out local small businesses so collected information to do free ads for local small businesses and crafters. The response was amazing but we have finally gotten through most.Continue Reading