On Tuesday 5/2/2023, there was a virtual forum hosted by MCPS and featuring Dr. McKnight, Councilmember Jawando, Dr. Williams and BOE member Silvestre. Esther Wells live tweeted the meeting and her tweets have been cataloged into the piece below with some minor edits for clarity. Q: Budgets are in, whatContinue Reading

Today, the Montgomery County Council announced that the planning board finalists for the remaining two positions (one for planning board chair and a planning board member). Interviews will take place at the Tuesday 5/2 County Council Meeting. We will have more coverage of this following the interviews and more researchContinue Reading

Today, the Montgomery County Council announced that the planning board finalists for the remaining two positions (one for planning board chair and a planning board member). Interviews will take place at the Tuesday 5/2 County Council Meeting. We will have more coverage of this following the interviews and more researchContinue Reading

Introduction Montgomery County, Maryland is known for its diverse population and economic prosperity. Understanding its government structure is crucial for residents who wish to stay informed and participate in their local community. This blog post aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the Montgomery County government structure, shedding light onContinue Reading

Background A few days ago, Fox5DC reported that “New evidence is showing that more people are moving out of Montgomery County and into Frederick County.” Montgomery County Exec Marc Elrich seemed to rebut this in a Twitter post where he quotes this website post which is a top Google hitContinue Reading

By Dana Noga Background We recently wrote about the Community Engagement Officer (CEO) program and Discipline report being in the spotlight at County Council committee meetings. This piece is a follow up to that which will cover CEO the portion of the meeting. You can view the entire meeting here.Continue Reading

Last week the County Council staff put a very detailed (156 page) report on CEOs, SROs, and restorative justice in anticipation on the Monday 3/20 meeting with the Public Safety (PS) and Education & Culture (EC) committees. You can attend the meeting at 9:30am or watch the meeting live onContinue Reading

Background On Wednesday 3/15, Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich released his budget which included an 8% overall increase in budget and 10% increase for MCPS. The cost to tax payers is being advertised as a “10 cents” increase but amounts to about a 10% increase in the tax rate fromContinue Reading

By Ryanna Quazi The Green Bank Bill A public hearing took place on the Green Bank Bill Bill (3-23) on February 14th, 2023. On March 6, 2023, there was a Transportation and Environment committee work session.  Several witnesses testified at this hearing, including Thomas Deyo, the Green Bank’s CEO. Keep reading to findContinue Reading

An MCPD press release today revealed a major fentanyl bust earlier this week that had 250+ suspected fentanyl pills, handgun, and cash found in car after a stop for a traffic infraction for window tinting. After getting a warrant to search the suspects residence, MCPD found 1800 more suspected fentanylContinue Reading