June 13, 2024 According to sources, the former Republican County Executive Candidate Reardon Sullivan has dropped off signatures for a ballot initiative that would limit county executive to two terms. Sullivan lost in the 2020 General Election to County Executive Marc Elrich Given that County Executive Elrich is serving hisContinue Reading

Quick Video Summary Of This Post Certified Election Results The election was officially certified on August 13, 2022 as evidenced in the tweet below with Marc Elrich winning by 35 votes. David Blair Requests Recount As reported by Steve Bohnel of Bethesda Beat, here is the requested order of recount:Continue Reading

Introduction See our previous posts on the County Executive race analysis and projections here Voting Registration Data as of 2022 Primary can be found here. Over the weekend Elrich claimed victory and Blair held out hope and indicating a recount is coming. More from their statements about this after theContinue Reading

Introduction (Read this first) These charts are similar and a follow up to our previous posts which can all be found here. Updates And Remaining Votes To Count So far to date there are at least 60,144 Democratic mail-ins received in Montgomery County and 48,294 mail-in votes tallied for theContinue Reading

Introduction (Read this first) These charts are similar and a follow up to our previous post about the County Executive Race which was about projections. Updates And Remaining Votes To Count So far to date there are at least 67,102 Democratic mail-ins received in Montgomery County and 45,193 mail-in votesContinue Reading

Overview In the voter data coming out after early voting, the number of votes in Montgomery County compared to Maryland total seemed pretty low. Upon further investigation, Montgomery County’s votes so far are the second worst county in Maryland based on comparing county voting age population. The data is fromContinue Reading