August 15, 2024 Today, the Montgomery County Office of the Inspector General found that the county’s Public Information Office (PIO) needs to do more to satisfy policy obligations stating the following: “Rockville, Maryland – Montgomery County Maryland Inspector General Megan Davey Limarzi announced today the release of a new OfficeContinue Reading

July 11, 2024 Later today, Tim Wise a prominent anti-racism educator will be speaking as part of a Montgomery County Public Libraries ‘Contemporary Conversations’ speaker series. The Bethesda African Cemetery Coalition (BACC), a local advocate group “committed to ending the desecration of the historic Moses African Cemetery on River RoadContinue Reading

June 13, 2024 According to sources, the former Republican County Executive Candidate Reardon Sullivan has dropped off signatures for a ballot initiative that would limit county executive to two terms. Sullivan lost in the 2020 General Election to County Executive Marc Elrich Given that County Executive Elrich is serving hisContinue Reading

Updated and edited January 21, 2024. Posted January 16, 2024. Background We’ve been working on this report on hate and bias incidents in Montgomery County Maryland for the last few years. This report is based on data from July 2022 through October 31, 2023. It is important to note thatContinue Reading

January 14th, 2024. This article summary is based on this X/Twitter thread by Esther Wells (used with permission). Full video: 1/12 Montgomery County House Delegation Meeting ( Starting Now: 1/12 Montgomery County House Delegation Meeting. Weekly cadence of Fridays at 9am to keep up with what’s going on. CE ElrichContinue Reading

Background A lot has been made of the Montgomery County budget recommended by County Executive Elrich. Including our previous piece on it here discussing the lack of accountability and declining services. There has also been a lot of back and forth between the County Council, County Exec, residents and theContinue Reading