This article is based on the live tweets from Esther Wells with permission and some parts are paraphrased or incomplete based on that limitation. The forum took place tonight 12/21/2022. District 14 Vacancy Governor Elect Wes Moore selected Eric Luedtke to join his inner circle as his chief legislative affairsContinue Reading

Have you heard?  A “game-changing” health institute is coming to ‘North Bethesda’. Note: back in my school days, say early 2000s, we simply called “North Bethesda” Rockville or White Flint.  Re-elected “At Large” Council Member Evan Glass proclaimed in his ‘Glass Gazette’ E-Newsletter: “With the signing of a new partnership betweenContinue Reading

Official Links See the Process Races to Watch David Trone trails Neil Parrott In what was expected to be a tight battle, as of election night David Trone trails Neil Parrott (via in the District 6 Congressional District. The Washington Post reported that this race remains undecided as ofContinue Reading

Don’t forget that voting and vote collection ends on November 8th at 8pm! Whether you agree with our picks or not, please vote local (up and down the ballot) and vote informed! Vote by mail Information on voting by mail from the Montgomery County Board of Elections can be found here. YouContinue Reading

MCPS Ethics Policy You can view the official MCPS and MCPS BOE Ethics Policy here. After reading the ethics policy and hearing that Joftus has said he will recuse himself from these decisions regarding KID Museum, it became clear to that he is following ethics guidelines by the rules. JoftusContinue Reading

Introduction If you haven’t seen, after the recount in the Democratic Primary County Executive race, Marc Elrich won by 32 votes. Local map maker twitter user JamesN has given us permission to share his maps showing precinct voting breakdown for several of the Democratic primary races. You can also subscribeContinue Reading

Quick Video Summary Of This Post Certified Election Results The election was officially certified on August 13, 2022 as evidenced in the tweet below with Marc Elrich winning by 35 votes. David Blair Requests Recount As reported by Steve Bohnel of Bethesda Beat, here is the requested order of recount:Continue Reading

Introduction See our previous posts on the County Executive race analysis and projections here Voting Registration Data as of 2022 Primary can be found here. Over the weekend Elrich claimed victory and Blair held out hope and indicating a recount is coming. More from their statements about this after theContinue Reading