September 10, 2024 Background and Data Data comes from the 2023-2024 state of Maryland MCAP data. We have extracted the MCPS proficiency and ranking for each category and there are some interesting patterns (see “Overall Findings” below). Ranking means where Montgomery County ranked in terms of counties. Number 1 isContinue Reading

August 4, 2024 On Friday August 30, the Supreme Court of Maryland issued its decision in the case of Bethesda African Cemetery Coalition v.  Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County. In its finding, the court acknowledges what BACC has been asserting for years: Moses African Cemetery “was a historic Black burialContinue Reading

August 15, 2024 Today, the Montgomery County Office of the Inspector General found that the county’s Public Information Office (PIO) needs to do more to satisfy policy obligations stating the following: “Rockville, Maryland – Montgomery County Maryland Inspector General Megan Davey Limarzi announced today the release of a new OfficeContinue Reading

August 5, 2024 – Featured image from Patch article credited to MuskratPhotos 6/25/24 FOR  IMMEDIATE  RELEASE – August 1, 2024 – Contact: Steven Lapham c – 240-418-7628 – Montgomery County Property Owners – Protest Abusive Homeowner Associations ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND, August 1, 2024 – Eric O. Segura, a 14-year homeowner in theContinue Reading

July 23, 2024 The Forward Party is a relatively new party focused on election reform aspects as well as improving the electoral system across the country and focused on values and principles and individuals (Learn more about the national Forward Party here). Last week, on July 17, the Maryland ForwardContinue Reading