Why is there so much confusion over mask policy in Montgomery County, Maryland? It is not simple at all. Read further to understand everything that happened this week, what it means, and what the future holds regarding masks in MoCo. Deferring Language on Face Coverings Here is the most recentContinue Reading

Full slides: https://governor.maryland.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Jan-5-Slides.pdf Hogan Highlights: Vaccine distribution will be the greatest peacetime undertaking in history Some hospitals doing good, some are ramping up still 5 counties are at 80% or more of Phase 1 vaccines given out they have received. Includes Moco. We will use ALL available resources to getContinue Reading

There is a really interesting dashboard on the Maryland Covid page which details the contact tracing information for those that tested positive over the last week (and a separate cumulative chart). This includes where they are employed, what high risk locations they were exposed to, and what types of largeContinue Reading