April 18, 2024 We hosted the our first ever in person Moderately MOCO event on April 15 – a Board of Education candidate forum which you can watch here or click below. It is the month leading up to the May 14 Primary Election and you can see a collectionContinue Reading

A reader wrote in to share their terrible experiences at Farquhard MS with Joel Beidelman as principal without revealing their identity… The full incident details are quite severe, but details have been removed to protect identities. For those not familiar with the current events surrounding Joel Beidelman, he was recentlyContinue Reading

By Dana Noga Background We recently wrote about the Community Engagement Officer (CEO) program and Discipline report being in the spotlight at County Council committee meetings. This piece is a follow up to that which will cover CEO the portion of the meeting. You can view the entire meeting here.Continue Reading

Last week the County Council staff put a very detailed (156 page) report on CEOs, SROs, and restorative justice in anticipation on the Monday 3/20 meeting with the Public Safety (PS) and Education & Culture (EC) committees. You can attend the meeting at 9:30am or watch the meeting live onContinue Reading

We wanted to make it easier to support local businesses and keep more of your money in the community while also helping out local small businesses so collected information to do free ads for local small businesses and crafters. The response was amazing but we have finally gotten through most.Continue Reading