Introduction See our previous posts on the County Executive race analysis and projections here Voting Registration Data as of 2022 Primary can be found here. Over the weekend Elrich claimed victory and Blair held out hope and indicating a recount is coming. More from their statements about this after theContinue Reading

Introduction (Read this first) These charts are similar and a follow up to our previous posts which can all be found here. Updates And Remaining Votes To Count So far to date there are at least 63,595 Democratic mail-ins received in Montgomery County and 58,210 mail-in votes tallied for theContinue Reading

Introduction (Read this first) These charts are a little different than the previous post about the County Executive Race which was about projections. We will get back into projections as more mail ins come in. In the meantime, we hope you will enjoy our new visualization’s attempt to break downContinue Reading

Notes – Read First This projection is based on a small number of mail in ballots. It is far from final – read prediction at the end. I predict this will go back and forth and not be final for many days still. Important to note that a few thingsContinue Reading