Last week Partap Verma testified in a state public hearing about planning board reform with some shocking accusations that the previous chair Casey Anderson improperly held inspector general investigations open. Yesterday (12/19/2022), the Inspector General responded to those public comments with a letter of clarification of testimony denying Verma’s accusations.Continue Reading

MOCO Roundup Since so much is going on in the County, I’ve decided to do what I hope will be weekly roundups of all the most important going ons across all local government. The election is coming up and we will have some coverage on that separately – this willContinue Reading

Some new developments in the Casey Anderson story since our last piece on it where Casey Anderson (Montgomery County Planning Board Chair) admitted to and apologized for having a full bar and making drinks and distributing alcohol to groups of people in county offices after hours. Anderson Chairs Meeting RightContinue Reading

Background A shocking article by WJLA news just came out documenting an investigation underway into Planning Board Chair Casey Anderson’s use of alcohol in the office. Email To Montgomery Planning In response to word of this investigation becoming public knowledge, Planning Board Chair Casey Anderson sent out the following emailContinue Reading