Basic Information Democratic Party – running for Montgomery County Council District 7 Email jacqueline@mangerformontgomery.comWebsite www.mangerformontgomery.comFacebook Questions & Responses (All Candidates) 1 – What lessons learned do you have since the start of the pandemic? Direct, transparent and accurate communication from leadership is essential. Partnerships between private and public entities to solve problemsContinue Reading

Basic Information Republican Party – running for Montgomery County Council District 2 Email Website Questions & Responses (All Candidates) 1 – What lessons learned do you have since the start of the pandemic? Trust the people when they have been supplied with all relevant information. A pandemic is moreContinue Reading

Basic Information Democratic Party – running for Montgomery County Council District 6 Email Questions & Responses (All Candidates) 1 – What lessons learned do you have since the start of the pandemic? Isolation kills.  Most of us saw the deterioration of civility as the pandemic wore on.  Frustration levels increased,Continue Reading

Basic Information Democratic Party – running for Montgomery County Council District 7 Email Paul@votegeller.comWebsite www.votegeller.comFacebook votegellerTwitter votegellerOther instagram:votegeller Questions & Responses (All Candidates) 1 – What lessons learned do you have since the start of the pandemic? Nonprofits and the community are great at responding to crises; county government, not so much. In very shortContinue Reading

Basic Information Democratic Party – running for Montgomery County Council District 5 Email info@fatmatabarrie.comWebsite www.fatmatabarrie.comFacebook @fatmatabarrie4councilTwitter @barrie4councilOther IG: @fatmatabarrie4countycouncil Questions & Responses (All Candidates) 1 – What lessons learned do you have since the start of the pandemic? Every one of us experienced challenging times since the start of the pandemic. However, those most negativelyContinue Reading

Basic Information Email Hidayat4District7@gmail.comWebsite Questions & Responses (All Candidates) 1 – What lessons learned do you have since the start of the pandemic? That we all matter. That government has a role in all of our lives. However, that role is supposed tobe supportive and informative and not oppressive. That weContinue Reading

Basic Information Email rob@voterobwu.comWebsite Facebook Twitter Questions & Responses (All Candidates) 1 – What lessons learned do you have since the start of the pandemic? Since the start of the pandemic I have learned that pandemics really, really suck.  If I could go the rest of my life withoutContinue Reading

Basic Information Email info@andrewfriedson.comWebsite www.andrewfriedson.comFacebook @amfriedson Questions & Responses (All Candidates) 1- What lessons learned do you have since the start of the pandemic? The pandemic has taught us a lot about issues we’ve never even thought about, as well as the importance of local government’s impact on our lives. Covid-19 exposed manyContinue Reading

Basic Information Email karlasilvestre2018@gmail.comWebsite www.karlasilvestre.comFacebook @KarlaSilves_BOE Questions & Responses (All Candidates) 1 – What lessons learned do you have since the start of the pandemic? The mental health crisis that was prevalent before the pandemic became much worse, interfering with student learning. A valuable lesson from the pandemic is that we are finallyContinue Reading

Basic Information Democratic Party – running for Montgomery County Council At Large Email info@laurieannesayles.orgWebsite www.laurieannesayles.orgFacebook @LaurieASaylesOther Questions & Responses (All Candidates) 1 – What lessons learned do you have since the start of the pandemic? Our county is a tale of two communities, the haves, and have-nots. The pandemic exacerbated what we knewContinue Reading