February 13, 2024 – Employee that allegedly hindered OIG’s Investigation and was allegedly a key source of cronyism and retaliation in MCPS is back from Administrative Leave
Update 2/13/24 11:30pm – This article was updated to correct the title (and subsequent details) which was originally written as “Chief of Districtwide Services and Support”
Chris Cram (MCPS Spokesperson) has confirmed that Dana Edwards, Chief of District Operations has returned from administrative leave to her most recent position after multiple sources reached out to us about her return. One anonymous source mentioned “Dana Edwards brought back off admin leave. Many people are not happy. Consider her the source of many of these problems. Big bully. Please keep this anonymous. She is vindictive.”
“Dana Edwards brought back off admin leave. Many people are not happy. Consider her the source of many of these problems. Big bully. Please keep this anonymous. She is vindictive.”
– Anonymous source
Dana Edwards Put on Leave
We reported first on Edwards being on leave on social media after confirming with MCPS and then other news sources picked up the story later in the day.
Multiple sources indicated that the reason Dana Edwards was put on leave was that she was allegedly the employee that did not cooperate with the Joel Bidleman investigation and provided evasive answers to direct questions asked by Megan Davey Limarzi, Inspector General. Due to the claims that this person did not “recall memorable events noted in the complaint”, it hindered the OIG’s investigation.
Per MCPS’s Employee Code of Conduct, employees are required to “respond honestly to a work-related inquiry by MCPS, law enforcement, or other authorized investigative officials (Pg. 2 and 3 of employee code of conduct).” After Davey Limarzi’s investigation, it was recommended that MCPS strengthen their policy to include a mandate that employees fully cooperate with investigations to ensure greater transparency and limit conflicts of interest.
Beidleman Investigation Report and Council Meeting
The Jackson Lewis report mentions that five employees who had been part of the promotion process of Joel Bidleman had been aware of the sexual harassment and bullying investigations. It seems possible that Edwards’ could have been one of the five given Edwards’ job description which included “Serves as a liaison to general counsel and responds to legal matters requested. Works closely with the Office of Human Resources and Development regarding personnel and other human resources matters.“
At the Council Meeting, Brian Hull, MCPS Chief Operating Officer testified (correcting BOE president Silvestre) “that of the five employees, two are no longer employed by MCPS, two are “in process” and one was disciplined and returned to work. He did not share the names of the employees and investigative reports have redacted the names and titles of individuals.”
Timeline for Leave and Reinstatement
Looking at the timeline for the Edwards’ leave and reinstatement, it is quite suspicious that she was put on leave right as talk began of putting MCPS leaders under oath at the County Council held a meeting on February 8th and then was reinstated literally the day after the meeting. *Note that the exact days may not be precise because the dates represent when Moderately MOCO received word of Edwards going on leave and returning (which was confirmed by MCPS within a day of each).

More about Edwards
Before becoming Chief of Districtwide Services and Supports, Edwards was the Director of Office of Human Resources and Development (OHRD), under Lance Dempsey. According to this article by Alexandra Robbins by MoCo360 which includes more about her past and relations to the Beidleman investigation, in “FY2023, employees in the chief roles were among the top 10 salary earners in MCPS, at $226,244 per year.”
Trouble in HR
During her tenure at OHRD, Edwards was reported several times to the SEIU union. A previous HR employee, who requested to be anonymous due to fear of retaliation from the school system mentioned that Edwards was reported several times to the SEIU Local 500 Union due to bullying, harassment and intimidation. This was confirmed by a previous SEIU union worker with knowledge of the situation. The employee mentioned that they submitted a Bullying, Harassment, and Intimidation form (MCPS form 230-35) to MCPS Department of Compliance and Investigations (DCI) and the SEIU union several times but everything was left in limbo.
More Allegations against Edwards
Within Edwards first few weeks as a director in HR, HR allegedly told employees that HR employees could not take leave from March – September because it’s HR’s busiest hiring season. It was a new policy she seems to have created to show her power within her office. Many employees were allegedly denied earned leave due to this new rule.
It was also alleged that Edwards would often question people’s leave as a way to intimidate them. A witness told us that an employee requested medical leave, and Edwards told them she would not grant leave as it was during HR’s busiest season, and urgent cares were open after work hours. Many instances like these were reported to the Union as employees were crying for help. Employees started writing Edwards explanations of their leave on their leave request forms in hopes that if they put more information, their leave would be approved.
While being the director at OHRD, Edwards is alleged to have participated in age discrimination against members of her office. Sources report she constantly asked older employees when they are retiring, give them extra work, micromanage, talk to them disrespectfully just so they would retire or resign. These issues are backed up by the fact that during her first two years in HR, allegedly over 40% of her employees left.
Favoritism and Cronyism
Edwards was also reportedly known as the monarch of cronyism as she would offer positions to friends and colleagues based on favoritism and qualifications or experience were dismissed. The SEIU union made Edwards reverse several positions given to employees without following proper HR guidelines. One good example is when she hired a friend into a staffing (recruiter) position. The employee selected did not have an HR degree or the experience that other candidates demonstrated.
SEIU made Edwards vacate positions on multiple occasions within her department or departments their office hired for because screenings ratings were not being properly performed or there were no panel ratings. As a result, SEIU representatives were sent to observe the interview process. A previous employee mentioned that “its interesting MCPS has over 200 principals to choose from within the system, but yet Joel Bidleman (at that time the assistant principal of Farquhar Middle school) would often sit in panel interviews for important leadership or HR positions.”
Issues Known to DCI, SEIU Union, and the BOE
Although there were several bullying, harassment, and intimidation forms filed against Edwards, she was promoted into a Chief position shortly after Dr. Monifa McKnight became Superintendent. Another previous employee mentioned to Moderately MOCO that back in 2020, they emailed a complaint about the negative climate within OHRD to Dr. Smith and Dr. McKnight with concerns of a “hostile working environment, mistreatment, low employee morale, unfair hiring practices, age discrimination, retaliation, bullying, power harassment, psychological harassment, authoritative leadership and overall unethical practices in OHRD”.
This letter of complaint was forwarded to Board of Education Member Shebra Evans, where she responded that she would see where she can help. Moderately MOCO has seen the evidence of this email and response.
Based on the records and eye witness testimony, all of: the DCI, the SEIU Union, and the BOE knew about these issues within the system.
MCPS needs to provide a commitment to transparency and accountability. MCPS is not giving a detailed accounting to who did what in the Beidleman investigation and promotion. Based on Edwards history, it is imperative that they disclose if she was involved in the rise and promotion of Joel Beidleman. She should also be held accountable for allegedly not partaking in the OIG’s investigation. Edwards is as far up as possible in the management chain, and if MCPS wants to change their culture, and climate they should dismiss those involved in cronyism and the Bidleman coverup.
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