Analysis of new Montgomery County Covid-19 Dashboard and comparing it to previous dashboard.
See the bottom for links to new dashboard, old dashboard, and the announcement of new dashboard metrics. This is the main frame from the new dashboard As you can see above, the main concerns are “new confirmed cases per 100k” and “Covid hospital bed utilization.” Let’s look at them inContinue Reading
MCPS Districtwide Boundary Analysis – Phase 2 Webinar: Interactive Boundary Explorer Unofficial Notes – Sessions 1 (10/20/20) & 2 (10/27/20)
Unofficial Notes (session 1) Session #1 Slides WXY Presentation Session #2 Slides and Poll Results Advertisement Interactive Boundary Explorer Tool Advertisement Advertisement Official Cheat Sheet / Guide to using tool: Reading
MCPS BOE Community Conversation on Virtual Learning (10/19/2020)
By June Traicoff Advertisement Advertisement AdvertisementContinue Reading
MCPS BOE meeting notes 10/06/2020
Meeting notes from the 10/06/2020 BOE meeting Advertisement Advertisement AdvertisementContinue Reading
MCCPTA 2020-2021 advocacy priority draft
MCCPTA 2020-2021 advocacy priority draftContinue Reading