Why is there so much confusion over mask policy in Montgomery County, Maryland?
It is not simple at all. Read further to understand everything that happened this week, what it means, and what the future holds regarding masks in MoCo.
Deferring Language on Face Coverings
Here is the most recent MoCo public health order which was signed on April 27, 2021 section on Face Coverings: https://apps.montgomerycountymd.gov/ccllims/DownloadFilePage?FileName=10026_1_14377_Resolution_19-814_Adopted_20210427.pdf

As you can see, item 2ai1 says that Montgomery County uses whichever is stricter, CDC or MDH:
all persons in the County over age two must wear face coverings persuant to “CDC or Maryland Department of Health (“MDH”) guidance, whichever is stricter”
Fifth Amended Board of Health Regulation to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in
the County – April 27, 2021
Start of the week (5/10/2021):
At the start of the week, CDC guidance and MD guidance both maintained masking indoors regardless of vaccination status so difference in masking guidance between Local, State, and Federal was not an issue.
On Wednesday (5/12/2021), Governor Hogan announced lifting of indoor mask mandate when 70% of adults in Maryland have received the vaccine.
He also lifted of all remaining indoor and outdoor capacity limits, venues, and restrictions on indoor/outdoor dining effective 5/15/2021: https://governor.maryland.gov/2021/05/12/governor-hogan-lifts-capacity-limits-on-indoor-and-outdoor-venues-all-remaining-restrictions-on-indoor-and-outdoor-dining-as-of-may-15/
CDC Changed Guidance on Thursday (5/13/2021) for Vaccinated People:
When CDC changed their guidance to allow vaccinated to unmask indoors, the CDC became less strict than Maryland and Maryland guidance which at the time was waiting until hitting 70% vaccinated to remove mask mandate: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/fully-vaccinated.html
On Friday (5/14/2021), two major events occurred related to covid regulations:
First, as we predicted earlier in the week, Montgomery County passed 50% of it’s population being fully vaccinated (in two weeks via CDC data).

This kicked off two weeks from ease of regulations to Maryland’s regulations via Phase 3 as far as capacity and what is open/closed: https://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/covid19/reopening/expanded-reopening.html
Count Exec Marc Elrich Announces on Twitter moving to Phase 3 in two weeks:
However, as we saw in the current health regulations, that does not impact the mask guidance. The guidance already points to the lesser of CDC or Maryland.
Then, 2 hours later, Hogan announces an end to the statewide mask mandate:
- Requirements are kept in place in transportation, schools, childcare, and healthcare
- Hogan still recommended non vaccinated to still wear masks
- Begins tomorrow 5/15/2021
- https://governor.maryland.gov/2021/05/14/governor-hogan-announces-end-of-statewide-mask-mandate/
CDC is back on Top in MoCo
After Hogan announced the 5/15 end to the statewide mask mandate, the CDC guidance once again applies.
The CDC guidance is more strict, requiring unvaccinated people to continue to mask.
Some local businesses (as well as National chains) beginning to change policies
More national chains like Walmart, Costco and Trader Joe’s lifted mask restrictions today (5/14): https://www.kiro7.com/news/trending/walmart-costco-trader-joes-lift-mask-restrictions-vaccinated-customers/SAUWOD6TGBHYVK5EUF2JIJBHFQ/
Local Gym Life Time Fitness says masks are no longer required: https://mocoshow.com/blog/life-time-notifies-members-that-masks-are-no-longer-required/
Updated Health Regulation expected Tuesday
County Council member Friedson was helpful in tweeting that there will likely be a new health order taken up Tuesday:

My prediction is there will be a new order that would take effect Tuesday at 5pm. I am not sure what it would look like.
Update (4/15/2021): County Council officially releases Agenda for Tuesday (4/18) and says the 6th public health order will be sent to public Monday (4/17): https://twitter.com/mococouncilmd/status/1393523640621309955?s=21
Confusion Dominates
Confusion has dominated the day amongst residents due to many factors:
- The back and forth that has gone on this week between multiple Maryland changes, CDC changes, and Moco changes
- The fact that we also hit the 50% fully vaccinated threshold the same day as mask order questions
- Poor communication leading up to this day. Marc Elrich daily tweeting and promoting the MoCo Vaccine dashboard that had incorrect data.
- The regulation’s dependence on other external documents added more confusion.
However, most of this could have been solved by good public messaging in a timely fashion:
- Clearly explaining the 50% trigger phase details
- Intermediate guidance on what is going on with masking
- Explain formally that more updates will come Tuesday
Instead, businesses and individuals are scrambling to figure out what the rules are for Montgomery County.
Instead of having guidance to use, businesses are coming up with policies that could be outdated by Tuesday.