MCPS Misused Emergency Procurements to Respond to Beidleman Media Attention 

June 27, 2024

Rockville, Maryland – Montgomery County Maryland Inspector General Megan Davey Limarzi announced today the release of a new Office of the Inspector General (OIG) Memorandum of Investigation, MCPS’ Procurement of Crisis Management ServicesOIG Publication # OIG-24-17, detailing the results of an OIG Investigation into the Montgomery County Public Schools’ (MCPs) use of emergency procurements. Last fall, using emergency procurement methods, MCPS  acquired crisis management services to assist in managing inquiries about MCPS’ handling of misconduct allegations against former Principal Joel Beidleman (See related OIG report at The investigation was predicated on a complaint received through the OIG’s hotline.

Emergency procurements enable administrators to expeditiously procure services to address serious needs that cannot otherwise be met through normal procurement methods. MCPS’ Procurement Manual allows for the use of emergency procurements when “[a]n emergency may arise in order to protect personal safety, life or property.”  Because they are inherently riskier, result in higher costs, and lack the transparency of other procurement methods, emergency procurements should only be used when other procurement methods are not feasible. For this reason, MCPS places controls on their use and provides specific directions on processing requests. 

The OIG substantiated that MCPS improperly used emergency procurements to acquire crisis management and communication services totaling $210,000, in violation of MCPS policy.



The OIG further substantiated that MCPS did not follow established procedures for seeking approval to use emergency procurements. 





The full report can be found at

According to the report, “The OIG subsequently obtained documentation showing that on October 12, 2023, the Montgomery County Board of Education (BOE) approved a contract for $105,000 under MCPS’ emergency procurement provisions to acquire crisis management consulting services. The Contract sough to procure crisis management and communication services to assist in managing inquiries about MCPS’ handling of misconduct allegations against former MCPS Principal Joel Beidleman”

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