MCPS Compliance Officer Who Reviewed Beidleman Complaints Gets Promotion

October 6th, 2023 – 12:30pm

It has come to our attention today that MCPS has promoted compliance coordinator Khalid Walker.

This comes amid the backdrop of Montgomery County Inspector General opening two separate investigations into this case a few weeks ago.

From some of the coverage of the Beidleman investigation:

Recent notifications about Beidleman’s often lewd and graphic interactions with teachers landed in the office of compliance coordinator Khalid Walker. According to the Post, after reviewing the information in late July, Walker concluded Beidleman did not violate MCPS’ sexual harassment policy.

Previous Position

At the time, Walker was the compliance coordinator for Department of Compliance and Investigations. While he is no longer listed on the staff website for that department, Google search still shows the previous position for Walker:



New Position

This morning multiple sources contacted us about the change in his position to “Assistant General Counsel.”

Since that time, MCPS has updated the General Cousel Staff Directory to reflect that he is “Acting Assistant General Counsel”



Differences in Pay

According to the Office of Human Resources website, Walker’s previous position was pay grade “N” whereas the new position pay grade is “O”.



According to the MCPS website for MCAAP salary schedule in 2023, going from pay grade “N” to “O” shows a significant raise of about $7,000 a year in most cases (see below)

According to the MCAAP agreement with MCPS (page 28), if he is acting for two or more consecutive weeks he gets the pay for the higher grade.

Other Considerations

The cynical type might also consider whether this move to the position of “Acting Assistant General Counsel” might be a move to provide further cover of issues handling the Beidleman case by allowing Walker to now claim attorney-client privilege. I am not a lawyer (so take this with a grain of salt), but it seems that this could protect him from future communications that he had with MCPS as Counsel but would not retroactively protect communications between him and MCPS in the past.

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