Executive Summary
Data for MCPS AP tests in 2019, 2020, and 2021 were analyzed for:
- Number of exams at each school by year
- Number of exams with passing scores at each school by year
- Percent of exams with passing scores at each school by year
Passing scores are defined as scores of 3, 4, or 5.
The total number of exams taken declined each year (41,048 in 2019; 39,254 in 2020; and 31,750 in 2021). The total number of exams with passing scores increased slightly from 2019 to 2020 (71.5% to 75.1%) and decreased between 2020 and 2021 (75.1% to 68.1%).
See our other test data analysis here.
Background and Source Data
The College Board runs the AP program nationally. 2019 exams were administered as in a typical pre-pandemic year (full exams, in school buildings).
The 2020 exam was an abbreviated, digital version taken in students’ homes. It was an open note/open book exam.
The 2021 exam was a full exam. The exams were administered in school buildings or in students’ homes depending on the school district.
The default for MCPS in 2021 was the at home digital option. https://news.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/quicknotes/important-updates-on-the-spring-2021-advanced-placement-international-baccalaureate-examinations-and-sat/
Source for MCPS AP data:

Note that the number of exams differs from the number of students because one student could take multiple exams. Also, there are slight discrepancies on the MCPS AP data website in the total number of exams reported on vs. the sum of the individual schools. There is a difference in total exams taken of 8 in 2020 and 5 in 2021. There is a difference in the number of exams with passing scores of 2 in 2020 and 2 in 2021.
2022 data are not yet available.
The data do not include International Baccalaureate (IB) exams. IB courses are available at Einstein, BCC, Kennedy, Richard Montgomery, Rockville, Seneca Valley, Springbrook, and Watkins Mill. https://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/curriculum/specialprograms/high/ib.aspx

Results and Conclusions
Numbers of Exams
The total numbers of exams taken and passed were compiled, as well as the percent of passing exams. MCPS totals and totals for each of the 25 high schools are shown for 2019, 2020, and 2021.

Number of Exams Taken
Eight schools showed an increase in the number of exams taken in 2020 (BCC, Blair, Churchill, Clarksburg, Walter Johnson, Northwood, Seneca Valley, Wootton) as compared to 2019. Total MCPS and the other 17 schools showed a decrease. Seneca Valley showed an increase in the number of exams taken in 2021 as compared to 2020, as well as in 2021 as compared to 2019. MCPS and the other 24 schools showed a decrease.
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Number of Passing Exams
Total MCPS and 13 schools showed an increase in the number of passing exams taken in 2020 (BCC, Blair, Churchill, Clarksburg, Einstein, Kennedy, Richard Montgomery, Northwest, Northwood, Quince Orchard, Seneca Valley, Springbrook, Wheaton) as compared to 2019. The other 12 schools showed a decrease. MCPS and all 25 schools showed decreases in the number of passing exams in 2021 as compared to 2020. Seneca Valley showed an increase in 2021 as compared to 2019, however, MCPS and the other 24 high schools showed a decrease.
Percent of Passing Exams
Total MCPS had 71.5% passing exams in 2019. Schools varied from a low of 32.6% (Kennedy) to a high of 88.6% (Wootton). MCPS had 75.1% passing exams in 2020. Schools varied from a low of 45% (Watkins Mill) to a high of 87.7% (Poolesville). MCPS had 68.1% passing exams in 2021. Schools varied from a low of 29.9% (Kennedy) to 85.0% (Poolesville).
Percentage Changes of Exams
The percentage changes in exams taken, exams passed, and percent passed were calculated. MCPS totals and totals for each of the 25 high schools are shown for 2019 vs. 2020; 2020 vs. 2021; and 2019 vs. 2021.
2019 to 2020 – Number of Exams
MCPS had a 4.4% decrease in the number of exams from 2019 to 2020. 17 schools had a decrease, and 8 schools had an increase. Four schools showed a percentage change decrease of over 25% (Springbrook -33.2, Watkins Mill -29.3, Paint Branch -29.2, Gaithersburg -27.4). Three schools showed a percentage change increase of over 5% (Blair 6.1, BCC 9.7, Seneca Valley 16.4).

2020 to 2021 – Number of Exams
MCPS had a 19.1% decrease in the number of exams from 2020 to 2021. 24 schools had a decrease, and 1 school had an increase. Five schools had a percentage change decrease of over 30% (Paint Branch -42.8, Watkins Mill -36.3, Gaithersburg -35.5, Northwest -33.9, and Rockville -32.4).Seneca Valley had a percentage change increase of 18.4%.

2019 to 2021 – Number Exams
MCPS had a 22.7% decrease in the number of exams from 2019 to 2021. 24 schools had a decrease, and 1 school had an increase. Four schools had a percentage change decrease of over 50% (Paint Branch -59.5, Watkins Mill -55.0, Gaithersburg -53.2, and Springbrook -52.6). Seneca Valley had a percentage change increase of 37.9%.

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2019 to 2020 – Passing Exams
MCPS had a percentage change increase of 0.5% in the number of passing scores from 2019 to 2020. 13 schools had increased percentage change; Kennedy had the highest (52.2%). 12 schools had decreased percentage change; Gaithersburg had the largest change (-18.9%).

2020 to 2021 – Passing Exams
MCPS had a percentage change decrease of 26.7% in the number of passing scores from 2020 to 2021. All 25 schools had negative percentage changes. Seneca Valley had the smallest percentage change (-6.3%), and Paint Branch had the largest (-50.3%).

2019 to 2021 – Passing Exams
MCPS had a percentage change decrease of 26.3% in the number of passing scores from 2019 to 2021. 24 schools had negative percentage changes. Paint Branch had the largest change (-57.3%). Seneca Valley was the only school with a positive percentage change (20.0%).

Percentage Change in the Percent of Passing Exams by School
2019 to 2020 – % Changed Passing Exams
MCPS had a percentage change increase of 5.1% in the percent of passing scores from 2019 to 2020. 17 schools had positive percentage change; 2 schools were over 50% (Springbrook 50.2, Kennedy 56.7%). 7 schools had negative percentage change; Blair had the largest decrease (-5.2%).

2020 to 2021 – % Changed Passing Exams
MCPS had a percentage change decrease of 9.3% in the percent of passing scores from 2020 to 2021. All 25 schools showed negative percentage change; Blair had the least change (-1.7%); Kennedy had the most change (-41.5%).

2019 to 2021 – % Changed Passing Exams
MCPS had a percentage change decrease of 4.7% in the percent of passing scores from 2019 to 2021. 21 schools showed negative percentage change, ranging from Sherwood (-1.4%) to Blake (-22.9%). Four schools showed positive percentage change, ranging from Paint Branch (5.5%) to Springbrook (23.4%).

See the rest of our series on MCPS Test Score Data:
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