Charting historic MCPS SMOBs by high school – The two Finalists’ Schools represent 33.3% of all SMOBs

The 2 schools with SMOB (Student member of the board of education) finalists make up 33.3% (1/3) of all SMOBs ever despite 2 schools being under 8% of MCPS HS.

The top 3 schools make up 46.6% of all SMOBs (12% of schools).

6 High Schools have never had a SMOB. Inequity starts at the top.

You can read more about the SMOB finalists here. Students will be voting on Wednesday April 19.

We will be posting interviews by Moderately MOCO with each of the SMOB finalists over the weekend.

View the full list of SMOBs in MCPS history at this link.



To see our Twitter post on this and the replies, click here

IB Programs

One thing that has been pointed out is that both of these schools have an IB program. What this means is that bright students from across the county can apply and go to these schools even if they live elsewhere.

This may contribute to the prominence of these schools.



More about IB programs and schools here. 8 MCPS high schools have IB programs and this includes schools that have had 1 or 0 SMOBs as well.



No SMOBs for Springbrook since 2007

While Springbrook has historically had a lot of SMOBs, they have had none in the last decade plus dating back to the 2006-2007 school year.

Richard Montgomery Recent SMOBs

On the other hand, Richard Montgomery has had 5 SMOBs since 2007 including 3 of the last 5 SMOBs attending their school.

Richard Montgomery is also the closest school to where the Board of Education meetings take place in Rockville being only 5 minutes by car and a relatively short trip by other methods.

Rockville High school is the second closest being only 9 minutes by car though and has never had a SMOB.

Upcoming Interviews

Don’t miss out on the upcoming SMOB interview by Moderately MOCO that will be posted over the weekend!

After the posts are out we will update the links here.

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