August 4, 2024 On Friday August 30, the Supreme Court of Maryland issued its decision in the case of Bethesda African Cemetery Coalition v.  Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County. In its finding, the court acknowledges what BACC has been asserting for years: Moses African Cemetery “was a historic Black burialContinue Reading

August 5, 2024 – Featured image from Patch article credited to MuskratPhotos 6/25/24 FOR  IMMEDIATE  RELEASE – August 1, 2024 – Contact: Steven Lapham c – 240-418-7628 – Montgomery County Property Owners – Protest Abusive Homeowner Associations ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND, August 1, 2024 – Eric O. Segura, a 14-year homeowner in theContinue Reading

Introduction Montgomery County, Maryland is known for its diverse population and economic prosperity. Understanding its government structure is crucial for residents who wish to stay informed and participate in their local community. This blog post aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the Montgomery County government structure, shedding light onContinue Reading

Background A few days ago, Fox5DC reported that “New evidence is showing that more people are moving out of Montgomery County and into Frederick County.” Montgomery County Exec Marc Elrich seemed to rebut this in a Twitter post where he quotes this website post which is a top Google hitContinue Reading

Background On Wednesday 3/15, Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich released his budget which included an 8% overall increase in budget and 10% increase for MCPS. The cost to tax payers is being advertised as a “10 cents” increase but amounts to about a 10% increase in the tax rate fromContinue Reading

On Thursday March 2, 2023 8 County Council members and the County Executive introduced two competing housing proposals (mymcmedia). Since these are just press releases and the bills themselves are still in development, they left a few questions to be answered so keep reading on. You can see a summaryContinue Reading