Why is there so much confusion over mask policy in Montgomery County, Maryland? It is not simple at all. Read further to understand everything that happened this week, what it means, and what the future holds regarding masks in MoCo. Deferring Language on Face Coverings Here is the most recentContinue Reading

This is a recent Covid and Vaccine news roundup instead of the usual sharing of single links. I hope you like it Learning Disabilities Lead to Higher Risk Study shows people with learning disabilities at higher risk of death due to Covid. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/coronavirus-learning-disability-deaths-vaccine-b1796604.html Reliable at home covid tests coming This hasContinue Reading

A vote on new restrictions / updated executive order postponed until Tuesday. At the County Council meeting now they are discussing the changes in the document here: https://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/council/Resources/Files/agenda/col/2020/20201105/20201105_2A-3-2B.pdf On the reasoning for looking at shutting down late night takeout, Maryam Shahzad reports on Twitter references to involving underage drinking andContinue Reading