ROCKVILLE, MD – August 15, 2023 – By Pieter Friedrich Updated at 5p.m. 8/16 to clarify agenda item issue. Montgomery County’s troubled Democratic Party will retire its large outstanding tax obligation within the week, announced party treasurer Andrew Saundry at a tense meeting of the MCDCC on August 7, 2023. Continue Reading

ROCKVILLE, MD, July 12, 2023  – By Pieter Friedrich – Montgomery County’s Democratic Party is effectively broke, according to a leaked copy of the party’s budget which was shared with me by several local party leaders. This follows revelations that current party chair, Saman Qadeer Ahmad, is trying to cover upContinue Reading

June 13 Meeting At the June 13 County Council hearing regarding Bill 27-23, repeal of the Policing Advisory Commission, much of the public testimony was false, inaccurate or misleading. Here is the bill memorandum. The video starting at this section of the meeting can be seen here. The chair ofContinue Reading

ROCKVILLE, MD: May 14, 2023 – By Pieter Friedrich — The Montgomery County Democratic Central Committee (MCDCC), on May 9, held its monthly meeting with a sizable group of school teachers, civil rights activists, and journalists seated in the audience. The meeting was far more raucous than anticipated, with shoutingContinue Reading

By Dana Noga Background We recently wrote about the Community Engagement Officer (CEO) program and Discipline report being in the spotlight at County Council committee meetings. This piece is a follow up to that which will cover CEO the portion of the meeting. You can view the entire meeting here.Continue Reading

The hypocrisy and irony inherent in HB433: Expanding the Freedom to Serve Act, sponsored by David Fraser-Hidalgo and Cheryl Kagan, are too blatant to go unchecked. The bill states, “There is an ongoing shortage of police officers in our communities. The Freedom to Serve Act will significantly increase the potentialContinue Reading

Have you heard?  A “game-changing” health institute is coming to ‘North Bethesda’. Note: back in my school days, say early 2000s, we simply called “North Bethesda” Rockville or White Flint.  Re-elected “At Large” Council Member Evan Glass proclaimed in his ‘Glass Gazette’ E-Newsletter: “With the signing of a new partnership betweenContinue Reading

Can you spare a nickel?  How about a dime?  How about three?  In Austin, Texas recently for a trip, I was in need of a plastic bag to lug some small items back to the Air BnB from the local H-E-B grocery.   30-cents, I was told by the clerk. Yep,Continue Reading

Editor Note: A recent decision about the charter amendment process has reignited conversation about the last time around. Ballot Question C Added On August 4th 2020 the County Council introduced and adopted a resolution for a ballot question adding two seats to the county council. This question was placed onContinue Reading