Boycott Has Teeth: Attendance Significantly Down at MCDCC Gala

Forensic Analysis of Photographs from Past Galas Show Perhaps 200 Fewer People Than Usual

October 25, 2023 by Pieter Friedrich


Despite claims that the event was “sold out,” the Democratic Party Fall Gala on Sunday night was sparsely attended.

(Caption: Notice the 2021 event has as many as 55 tables, wall to wall; this year’s event had only 37 tables, with much open room.)

Photographs posted on social media show that the Maryland Democratic Party went as far as bringing activists from other counties — as far away as the border with Pennsylvania — to help fill the largely empty room. 

Hotel staff confirmed that approximately 350 chairs were put out, however photographs and attendees confirmed that less than half of the tables were fully seated. Moreover, in previous years, photographs and Democratic officials confirmed that Montgomery County Democratic Central Committee’s (MCDCC) gala usually has closer to 500 – 600 guests. If every chair was filled, then overall attendance at the Democratic Gala would still be 30% less than the last non-election year (2021).

Moderately MoCo also interviewed the videographer used by the MCDCC for the 2021 and 2022 Democratic Galas. After reviewing dozens of photographs and videos for several hours on Sunday night, they concluded that far, far fewer people attended this year’s gala than in previous years, to the tune of at least 150 – 200 fewer guests. 

The MCDCC is the local governing body of the Democratic Party.

Calls for a Boycott

The banquet occurred amidst a boycott call by a number of Democratic leaders; Maryland’s wealthiest Muslim Democratic donors all refused to attend. MCDCC members Nathan Feldman and Liza Smith publicly called for a boycott, as did Somerset Mayor Jeff Slavin, a party mega-donor who has filled several top positions including as Vice Chair of the Maryland Democratic Party.



In an open letter on October 4, Slavin demanded that MCDCC Chair Saman Qadeer Ahmad resign for creating “a toxic environment through bullying, dishonesty, and malevolence.” Meanwhile, Nathan Feldman (who served from the same district as Chair Ahmad) published two statements detailing extensive coercion, bullying, and Islamophobia by the chair before resigning from the MCDCC and calling for a boycott.

Referring to Mayor Slavin’s letter, another MCDCC member stated, “Every word Jeff said is true. Now people are beginning to become aware of what’s going on.” They added, “Clearly, the boycott had plenty of teeth after all. Compare 2021’s turnout with 54 full tables to this year’s turnout with barely 37 tables that weren’t even half full.” The member is not identified out of respect for their safety, given the allegations of bullying by Ahmad that have been made publicly by other Democratic officials. 

When asked why the MCDCC would announce they were sold out on their social media when so many seats remain unfilled, an MCDCC member had this to say: “We’re told to lie. Smile and lie.”

Threat to Press

MCDCC has refused to speak to the press. Their members, however, did present Moderately MoCo with a threatening written statement at the gala:



Document handed to Moderately MoCo Reporter at Gala

Slavin’s letter alleged an “alarming lack of transparency” and “gross intimidation” by the MCDCC, including attempts to block press from accessing its events. Such was Moderately MoCo’s reporter’s experience at the gala.

CAIR Banquet

The MCDCC Gala’s remarkably poor attendance stood in stark contrast to an event the previous night in Gaithersburg, Maryland. After a series of credible bomb threats canceled two national banquets planned for Baltimore and Crystal City, Virginia, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) held a sellout banquet at the Islamic Center of Maryland with over 750 attendees. 



This is notable because, while several elected officials and the county executive’s faith liaison were invited to attend the event, MCDCC Chair Ahmad — who has previously been a member of the congregation — was not, according to several sources. 

“Given the extensive reporting around [Saman Qadeer Ahmad’s] ties to Hindutva and Islamophobia, it just wasn’t in the cards,” said a Muslim community leader. They declined to be named out of fear of social retribution by the MCDCC chair. Ahmad has been accused numerous times of publicly lashing out and seeking revenge on her critics. 

CAIR officials reported raising close to one million dollars, a remarkable figure given that the event was organized in less than 48 hours following the bomb threats. Meanwhile, the MCDCC fundraiser is believed to have raised a net-zero — or the gala possibly even cost the committee money. They had over five months to plan and fundraise ahead of the event on Sunday.

MCDCC Gala Fundraising

Traditionally, the MCDCC loses money on ticket sales but makes its money from a silent auction and program ad sales. There was no silent auction this year, and the program was visibly thin and poorly printed. The MCDCC had over five additional months to plan this year’s gala, after violating its own bylaws to reschedule the event in the autumn. 

“The draw for the gala is usually celebrating the party, which has a 3:1 registration advantage in Montgomery County,” explained one longtime political consultant. “But morale is fairly low among Democratic activists because everyone has a story to tell about their negative interactions with the chair or her close allies.” 

One of Ahmad’s reported “allies” on the MCDCC owes six figures in back taxes. They have refused to resign. The MCDCC itself was found to owe nearly $14,000 in back taxes to the IRS earlier this year. Due to a quirk of the Maryland constitution, the MCDCC regularly helps to appoint Maryland legislators (who levy state taxes). Over 40% of Montgomery County’s legislators have been originally appointed through a recommendation from the MCDCC.

More than one source noted that several major Democratic organizations in Montgomery County refused to purchase tables at the Democratic Gala, out of a distaste for the current leadership. Despite the low attendance, several elected officials including two members of Congress and one US Senator were in attendance. A sizable number of Democratic elected officials and precinct officials still chose not to attend, reportedly out of a desire to see MCDCC Chair Ahmad resign.

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