B-CC Hosting “Once Upon a Prom”: Prom Dress Giveaway Friday March 3rd

Once Upon A Prom will be hosting a prom dress giveaway at BCC HS on Friday, March 3, 2023, from 12:00 pm-6:00 pm. Please see attached flyer for details of the event. 

Once Upon A Prom (OUAP) is a BCC club dedicated to providing free prom dresses to any girls whose economic or personal circumstances create hardships in their lives. All dresses are new or very gently worn. We have over 3,000 dresses in our collection, in all sizes and styles. Our doors are open to everyone. No student ID is required for entry. 

Our mission is to ensure that prom is an inclusive event for all juniors and seniors. According to recent statistics, teens spend an average of $600-$800 on proms. The cost makes prom prohibitive for some teens. We want to ensure that this dream comes true for all students. 

We would appreciate your help publicizing this year’s prom dress giveaway: 

Please circulate the attached flyer around your school and forward to your administrative and counseling teams. Please include this information on your morning announcements and in your list-serves

BCC is only a five minute walk from the Bethesda metro stop. We will post signs on the front door of BCC to direct girls to the dance studio, and we will have dressing rooms set up and mirrored walls for selection purposes. 

Please contact us at bethesdaonceuponaprom@gmail.com with any questions or concerns. 



See the website for B-CC Once Upon a Prom here.

Please also confirm receipt of this email by replying with a quick “Received” so that we will know you have been alerted to OUAP’s annual prom dress giveaway. 

If you have time, please also see our recent FOX5 segments linked below.










We are hoping to get the word out so that we can help as many young men and women as possible.

Thank you for your help and support.

Warm regards,

The Once Upon A Prom Team

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