June 26, 2024 Confirming our previous reporting from sources about a week ago, MCPS today appointed outgoing Montgomery County Police Department Chief Jones (who recently retired from MCPD and was replaced by new Police Chief Marc Yamada) in a new position called the Chief of Security and Compliance (read onContinue Reading

May 10, 2024 Many were shocked to read the Montgomery County Police Department press release today, which stated that an 18 year old male allegedly assaulted at least four women over a span of 4 different days while he was already on pre-trial supervision: “An 18-year-old Clarksburg male has beenContinue Reading

April 29, 2024 – By Dana Noga – Photos from MCPD post. With the Board of Education Primary Election heating up, questions regarding School Resource Officers (SROs), Community Engagement Officers (CEOs), and security in schools have come to the forefront. MCPS graduate, activist and concerned parent Dana Noga writes aboutContinue Reading

Last week on Friday April 19, 2024, a trespasser at John F. Kennedy High School (MCPS Silver Spring, MD) wielded a knife during related to altercation involving a student. Concern MCPS is Downplaying Incident We received these videos from someone concerned that the letter from MCPS downplayed the incident byContinue Reading

Community Reports – Anonymous Submission December 11, 2023 Councilmember Shares Crisis Response Gone Wrong “Let’s be honest with the public. If you don’t want the police to come, don’t call MCOTs.” This was the public yelp-like review from Councilmember Kristin Mink during the November 29th EC/HHS/PS Joint Committee Worksession. MCOTsContinue Reading

July 27, 2023 – By Anna Lam Crime Crime has always been an aspect of life and society that people have been living with since the beginning of civilization. It’s an intricately layered topic, interconnecting with the law, and how different crime may be in their own respective areas. RecentContinue Reading

By Dana Noga Background We recently wrote about the Community Engagement Officer (CEO) program and Discipline report being in the spotlight at County Council committee meetings. This piece is a follow up to that which will cover CEO the portion of the meeting. You can view the entire meeting here.Continue Reading

Last week the County Council staff put a very detailed (156 page) report on CEOs, SROs, and restorative justice in anticipation on the Monday 3/20 meeting with the Public Safety (PS) and Education & Culture (EC) committees. You can attend the meeting at 9:30am or watch the meeting live onContinue Reading