March 1, 2024 On 2/27/24 MCPS went over some upcoming boundary study updates at the board of education Facilities and Boundaries work session meeting. See the full video here or read below for a summary and to see the images. Note that as this was a discussion and work session,Continue Reading

Below is a detailed Summary for the first group of planning board commissioner finalists (including direct links to each answer by each person). It is from the May 2, 2023 – Council Session (pm) – You can take a look at our previous piece summarizing the finalists resumes andContinue Reading

Today, the Montgomery County Council announced that the planning board finalists for the remaining two positions (one for planning board chair and a planning board member). Interviews will take place at the Tuesday 5/2 County Council Meeting. We will have more coverage of this following the interviews and more researchContinue Reading

You can see some previous background on this project here from the City of Gaithersburg. Video / Livestream I attempted to livestream the event on Facebook but due to technical difficulties most of the audio is hard to hear. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement After the presentation was over, I took aContinue Reading

Full unofficial notes PDF: Link to new MCPS Covid Dashboard: Advertisement Meeting Video: Advertisement Advertisement Agenda (no slides yet but may be updated): Full Unofficial notes Part 1 meeting: Unofficial Meeting Notes:Continue Reading