Last week I sat down to interview a really bright MCPS 9th grader who was introduced to me because they didn’t feel safe at their school and wanted to speak out about it. Our almost 2 hour long talk ranged over a vast array of topics but chief among themContinue Reading

Just recently, MCPS highlighted some performance data showing improvements over the downturns from 2020 with pandemic school closures. Unbeknownst to most, today the state of Maryland also released their state spring 2022 MCAP assessment data for English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics, so let’s take a look at that. FullContinue Reading

Official Links See the Process Races to Watch David Trone trails Neil Parrott In what was expected to be a tight battle, as of election night David Trone trails Neil Parrott (via in the District 6 Congressional District. The Washington Post reported that this race remains undecided as ofContinue Reading

When To Vote NOW! Mail in voting and Early voting have both begun. Vote by mail Information on voting by mail from the Montgomery County Board of Elections can be found here. You can see the Board of Elections landing page here for all things voting. It is recommended thatContinue Reading