August 19, 2024 – 5:32pm. Updated 8/19/24 at 10pm to include article by MCM and image/quotes. Today 4 MCPS Schools were vandalized with graffiti that included “politically-charged graffiti, antisemitic iconography (including swastikas), and, in some instances, anti-LGBTQ+ language” according to a letter from MCPS. This occurred just a week afterContinue Reading

May 7, 2024 Background In January 2024, we posted the initial Part 1 which featured a very detailed series of graphs and charts showing how anti-Jewish Hate/Bias incidents in Montgomery County Maryland have increased over the timeframe of July 2022 to October 2024 (inclusive) as compared to Hate/Bias incidents againstContinue Reading

Updated and edited January 21, 2024. Posted January 16, 2024. Background We’ve been working on this report on hate and bias incidents in Montgomery County Maryland for the last few years. This report is based on data from July 2022 through October 31, 2023. It is important to note thatContinue Reading