September 27, 2024 – By Robert Passovoy To submit an opinion piece for consideration, contact us here. This Op. Ed. Is in response to the Attainable Housing Strategies Initiative that is being pushed by the Montgomery County Council in the attempt to address the problem of housing shortages in theContinue Reading

June 9, 2024 Today during the June 9th County Council meeting, they confirmed Corey Smedley as the new Fire Chief of the Montgomery County Fire & Rescue. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement He was the County Executive’s nominee for the positions and has over 33 years of public safety experience. “Chief SmedleyContinue Reading

April 8th, 2024 – This testimony was given to the County Council on the FY2025 operating budget Hello my name is Jason Makstein and I run the blog Moderately MOCO but today I am testifying as a community advocate about various items in the operating budgets. My focus will beContinue Reading

March 8, 2024 This was sent in as a follow up to Opinion: Defending Effective Policing: The Case Against Restricting Consent Searches and Bill 2-24 – Moderately MOCO following the County Council Public Hearing on the bill. Any councilmember who is for Councilmember Jawando’s Bill 2-24 must be prepared toContinue Reading

February 23, 2024 Councilmember Jawando introduced Bill 2-24 to prohibit police from searching a vehicle when the driver specifically consents to the search. Consent searches are an important tool for police to address serious crime. When police reduce discretionary enforcement, such as traffic stops, violent crime rises. The Montgomery CountyContinue Reading

October 12, 2023 – 10:30AM We got a tip yesterday that Dr. Patrick Murphy, deputy superintendent is no longer employed by MCPS. Murphy was one of the high-ranking school officials who participated in the County Council Meeting about two weeks ago. He is still listed as the Deputy Superintendent onContinue Reading

August 6, 2023 – By Adriana Ferrufino Gomez  Full video interview coming soon on YouTube! Natali Fani-Gonzalez, a council member serving members of District 6, spoke about the way her life experiences impacted her in choosing the field of politics.  Fani-Gonzalez came to America with her mom during her adolescentContinue Reading

Increased volume and excessive speed are contributing to dangerous areas along Falls Chapel Way. Despite pleas to the Montgomery County Department of Transportation, residents have thus far been unsuccessful in getting a stop sign placed at a busy four-way intersection in a residential area. Falls Chapel Way is an extensionContinue Reading

Background A lot has been made of the Montgomery County budget recommended by County Executive Elrich. Including our previous piece on it here discussing the lack of accountability and declining services. There has also been a lot of back and forth between the County Council, County Exec, residents and theContinue Reading