Introduction Board meeting begins with Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. Agenda is revised and appointments are announced for associate superintendent position. Detailed AI Generated Summary for [Board of Education – Board Business Meeting – 5/25/23]( ) Appointments [00:08]( ) New appointments in Montgomery County Public Schools – Several newContinue Reading

Background A lot has been made of the Montgomery County budget recommended by County Executive Elrich. Including our previous piece on it here discussing the lack of accountability and declining services. There has also been a lot of back and forth between the County Council, County Exec, residents and theContinue Reading

On Tuesday 5/2/2023, there was a virtual forum hosted by MCPS and featuring Dr. McKnight, Councilmember Jawando, Dr. Williams and BOE member Silvestre. Esther Wells live tweeted the meeting and her tweets have been cataloged into the piece below with some minor edits for clarity. Q: Budgets are in, whatContinue Reading