Basic Information Facebook Website Twitter Questions & Responses (All Candidates) 1 – What lessons learned do you have since the start of the pandemic? As a parent of a developmentally disabled 4th grader in MCPS, I have learned that when systems collectively struggle to meet the needs ofContinue Reading

After much research and discussion amongst our team, here is our recommended ballot for the 2022 General election. Note: Everyone can vote for all of the non-partisan BOE positions. Advertisement For all election information visit the MOCO Board of Elections here or if you have any questions the social mediaContinue Reading

MCPS Ethics Policy You can view the official MCPS and MCPS BOE Ethics Policy here. After reading the ethics policy and hearing that Joftus has said he will recuse himself from these decisions regarding KID Museum, it became clear to that he is following ethics guidelines by the rules. JoftusContinue Reading

NOTE: Full results are not likely to come in for at LEAST 10-15 days. Calls posted here are based on assumptions that patterns hold and may not be final. Updated for all in person voting 7/20/2022 08:21:40 PM Links Open in New Tabs Links For state offices, see Maryland results.Continue Reading

Don’t forget that voting and vote collection ends today, July 19th at 8pm! Whether you agree with our picks or not, please vote local (up and down the ballot) and vote informed! Thanks to our awesome friends at the Board of Elections Social Media we have compiled a bunch ofContinue Reading

Executive Summary The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) requires standardized tests to measure proficiency in ELA. Data for MCPS Grade 8 ELA scores in 2018, 2019, and 2021 were analyzed to answer 3 questions: 1. What is the percent of proficient students at each school by year? 2. What is the change in the percent of proficient students atContinue Reading

Basic Information Email vote@MarcusAlzona.comWebsite MarcusAlzona.comFacebook Questions & Responses (All Candidates) 1 – What lessons learned do you have since the start of the pandemic? As a computer scientist with years of networking, videography and livestreaming experience, when the pandemic started I quickly moved to assist multiple organizations during the initial months ofContinue Reading

Introduction A local podcast by Dr. Jessica Hasson – about differences in experiences (and thus coping methods) and practical and realistic ways to address our mental health needs on this podcast. Expect some snark, a lot of sarcasm, and real talk about life. Here are the podcast interviews with MontgomeryContinue Reading

Basic Information Email JG@jayguan4boe.comWebsite jayguan4boe.comFacebook Twitter @jayguan4boe Questions & Responses (All Candidates) 1 – What lessons learned do you have since the start of the pandemic? The importance of safe, effective, and sustainable MCPS operations, and transparency in decision making. 2 – If you could go back and do one thing differentlyContinue Reading

After much research and discussion amongst our team, here is our recommended ballot for the 2022 July 19 Primary. Note: Everyone can vote for all of the non-partisan BOE positions but the other positions are partisan and only available to vote for on the Democratic Primary. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Independents:Continue Reading