Maryland Real World Vaccine And Case Data Comparison Shows VACCINES WORK
The state of Maryland has comprehensive data on both vaccines and cases on a per zip code basis and our analysis shows that vaccines work! What we did for this analysis is combine the two data sources to measure the relationship they have on each other. Size Differences of ZipContinue Reading
MoCo Mask Roller Coaster
Why is there so much confusion over mask policy in Montgomery County, Maryland? It is not simple at all. Read further to understand everything that happened this week, what it means, and what the future holds regarding masks in MoCo. Deferring Language on Face Coverings Here is the most recentContinue Reading
Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich Defies His Own Order And National Park Service Regulations, Does Not Wear Mask In Close Quarters
County Executive Marc Elrich posted a few images on Twitter of his attendance of an event kicking off National Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month on Saturday, March 3, 2021. Mask-less Marc Normally, this is where the story would stop. However, Marc Elrich is not wearing a mask andContinue Reading
3/23 MCPS BOE Meeting Unofficial Notes – Our FINAL one
This is our final one of these June is retiring from note taking and I wanted to thank June for all the time and effort she has put in watching these meetings and taking notes for others that can’t and to share the information. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Notes Link toContinue Reading
UPDATE: MCPS Football Players, Coaches Rally To Save Their Season – Is it Safe?
Update to previous article on this subject: Title Photo Credit: Julie Anderson Notes on Safety of Football To start, MCPS Coaches are voluntary positions. Most are also MCPS staff and have more likely than not been offered the opportunity for a vaccine. In late January 2021, the National FederationContinue Reading
MCPS Football Season SACKED By County In Surprise Reversal Despite Decreasing Covid Rates
UPDATE: Rally planned for Sunday 3/14 for MCPS Football, Cheer, & POMS. Details on flyer further down. Experts such as Harvard Professor Joseph G. Allen ( and many others have stressed the importance of sports, especially outdoors, and especially for kids. Many other local school systems have already had outdoorContinue Reading
3/11/21 MCPS BOE Meeting Unofficial Partial Notes
These notes only go through the first part of the meeting about return to school Full MCPS Reopening Slides$file/Opening%20Schls%20Recovery%20Ed%20210311%20PPT.pdf Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Download / View Notes Full Meeting Agenda including testimony Reading
MCPS Special Education Advisory Committee – February 25, 2021 – Partial Notes – Unofficial
Download Notes PDF View PDF See Moderately Moco MCPS Reopening Notes RepositoryContinue Reading
2/23/21 MCPS BOE Unofficial Meeting Notes – “Opening Schools in Recovery of Education”
Slides We have reduced our notes to just the text so if you want to follow along with the slides, you can find them here: Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement$file/Opening%20Sch%20Recovery%20Ed%20%20210223%20PPT.pdf Full Unofficial Notes PDF Link to Moderately Moco BOE Notes RepositoryContinue Reading
MoCo Percent of Population Vaccinated Getting Closer To MD Counties Average After Being 3rd From The Bottom
UPDATE: After writing this I realized that there was an issue with my methodology. The percent difference was not normalized based on the average. I fixed the calculations and came up with a new chart which I added extra details Updated Analysis Montgomery County looks even better in this chartContinue Reading