Montgomery County Releases Revised Face Covering Wording in Order – All 3 recent wordings

Here is the link to the full new order:

Link to updates guidance from county:

New amended masking order 11/24/2020:

Wording on previous order on 11/23/2020:

Previous Wording before both of these:


  1. You know what is missing from the order? A penalty. So what happens if two people are sitting outside of Dunkin to grab a coffee and are not wearing masks…if I am reading the rules, nothing happens to them.
    So what happens in that scenario? Are the police really going to enforce this is people are outside talking and only 4 feet apart?

    BTW, if there’s another BLM, Biden, or Trump rally are they going to break that up as well?

  2. Thanks for bringing clarity to a messy business!

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