Montgomery County 2nd Worst County In State In Percent Of Population Having Voted So Far After Early Voting – Maryland 2022 Primary


In the voter data coming out after early voting, the number of votes in Montgomery County compared to Maryland total seemed pretty low. Upon further investigation, Montgomery County’s votes so far are the second worst county in Maryland based on comparing county voting age population.

The data is from 7/15/2022 after Early Voting and including Mail in votes that had been collected as of that date.


The original population data is 2020 Census data which includes children not of voting age. We came back and looked at Maryland Voting Age population only with similar results which in the updated piece is now at the top.

This is not meant to show anything related to the currently registered voters… we will have some other pieces about that in the future about how that breaks down and demographics of voting groups.

Data Charts and Results

Table 1: Excel charts showing the data. Yellow Highlight is Montgomery County and the Counties are listed at both ends for convenience. The pro-rated column (which is colorized) equation is “% of total Maryland Votes” / “% of Maryland Population” .

Voting Age Percent Of Population Voted By County

This is the updated chart which shows the %s based on voting age population data. The charts after this use full population data.

Table 6: Montgomery County is highlighted on a this chart in yellow with a red horizontal line at 5.39% (MOCO second lowest) and white line at 7.0% (Maryland Average Votes Per Voting Age Person)

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MOCO Second Lowest County For % Of Population Voted In State So Far

Montgomery County has the highest county population in the state of Maryland at 1,062,061 (according to the 2020 Census). This means 17.19% of all Marylanders live in Montgomery County.



But of those 1,062,061 people only 44,128 people had voted view Early Voting or Mail in as of 7/15/2022.

Thus, only 4.2% of our population had voted as of 7/15/2022. This was the second worst of any Maryland County better than only Anne Arundel County (which came in at 4.0%).

Table 2: This chart is from the “% of Population voted” column. Montgomery County is highlighted on a this chart in yellow with a red horizontal line at 76.07% (MOCO second lowest) and white line at 100% (same % of Maryland Votes and % of Maryland Population so far).

Side by Side Comparison Of Each County Comparing County’s Votes To Population

This next chart is a side by side view for each county of what % voted so far compared to each counties % of the Maryland population.

For Montgomery County, we have the highest % of Maryland’s population (17.19%) and:



The third highest total of votes among all Maryland counties (13.08%).



This comes after:

Number 1 in votes so far: Prince George’s County

  • 16.66% of Total Maryland Votes
  • More than their 15.66% of population

Number 2 in votes so far: Baltimore County

  • 14.83% of Total Maryland Votes
  • More than their 13.83% of population
Table 3: This chart is from the “% of Maryland Votes” and “% of Maryland Population” columns. Montgomery County is highlighted on a this chart in yellow. The left side (dark blue) is % of votes so far and the right side (light blue) is the % of Maryland Population.

Pro-Rating Votes Per Person By County

Next step was to pro-rate the votes per person by the population of the county.

In this chart 100% (white line) would mean that the % of Maryland votes so far is the same as the % of Maryland population.

The red line shows Montgomery County – second to last gain as should be no surprise based on the initial data.

Table 4: This chart is from the “Pro-rated votes by % of Population” column. Montgomery County is highlighted on a this chart in yellow with a red horizontal line at 76.07% (MOCO second lowest) and white line at 100% (same % of Maryland Votes and % of Maryland Population so far).

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County Age Data – Census 2020

Census 2020 Data for the State of Maryland can be found here and it does show Montgomery County is 18th out of 24 counties meaning it has the 6th lowest % of people over the age of 18.

Table 5: A screenshot from link above which shows Maryland Counties by % of population over 18. Montgomery County is 18th out of 24 counties meaning it has the 6th lowest % of people over the age of 18.

See the rest of our series on MCPS Test Score Data:

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