MoCo Percent of Population Vaccinated Getting Closer To MD Counties Average After Being 3rd From The Bottom


After writing this I realized that there was an issue with my methodology. The percent difference was not normalized based on the average.

I fixed the calculations and came up with a new chart which I added extra details

Updated Analysis

Montgomery County looks even better in this chart getting closer to the MD Counties Average.

Baltimore City has gone down in last few days (which there was some contention over). This is likely in anticipation of the opening of the second max vaccination site in the City.

Charles County and Prince George’s County are both very slowly getting better in terms of relativity to the MD counties average.

There are big differences in this chart vs the one below for these because while they get further behind by % vaccinated, they are getting less behind in terms of how much that % vaccinated is different than the average as the average grows.


After being 3rd from last as recently as 2/11/2021, Montgomery County is inching its way back up towards the MD Counties Average as you can see in the chart below.


Maryland County by County % of Population vaccinated ((1st dose + 2nd dose) / 2) as of 2/25/2021, data gathered from Maryland Government Website.

The black line at 0 is the average of all Maryland Counties and each county is measured by how close to the average they are.

Since this data point is per two shots, the percentages would be doubled to look at per one shot.


As you can see, the light blue line which is highlighted is Montgomery County.

Until 2/11/2021, when the County reached its worst deficit of -1.70%, Moco was getting further away from the overall county averages.

Since then, we have been slowly rising closer to the Maryland Counties average but because of the size of our population it can be slow progress even with really good days vaccinating lots of people.

Montgomery County is still 6th from the bottom in this statistic and behind the average by 1.20% today so it is not doing well but gaining and others have gotten worse (see below)

Other Counties Analysis

Here you can see the full data charts on this graph for the last 6 days:

There are some pretty obvious outliers such as Prince George’s County (-5.66%) and Charles County (-4.11%) at the bottom two by a lot.

Kent County (4.95%), Worcester County (4.31%) and Talbot County (3.90%) are all well above the average. Remember this is per two shots so if we’re talking a single shot, double the number.

Baltimore City (-2.17%), Cecil County (-1.83%), Somerset County (1.64%), are all right behind Montgomery County (-1.20%).

It seems like most of the medium size counties are closer to the average than the smaller or larger counties which makes sense.

All Charts Repository (includes past)

See our MD Vaccination Charts Repository here:

1 Comment

  1. The kick in the butt from the state higher ups during that call helped!

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