Moco Cases and Hospitalizations by Vaccination Status and Age – Detailed Analysis

Cases and Hospitalizations with Vaccination Status

Here is the full chart and then we’ll break it down with analysis piece by piece. Data is from 7/19/2021 to 8/15/2021.

I would love to see this publicly available and updated regularly for everyone to see – it is the most important information we have in Moco and only seen by a few.


80.2% of population has at least one dose (See CDC County Vaccinated Data below)

Cases Comparison Vaxed vs Unvaxed

910 / 2266 = 0.4016 / .8 = 0.502

1356 / 2266 = 0.5984 / .2 = 2.992

2.992 / .502 = 5.9602 => unvaxed almost 6x as likely to test positive

Hospitalizations Comparison Vaxed vs Unvaxed

30 / 88 = 0.3409 / .8 = 0.4261

58 / 88 = 0.6591 / .2 = 3.2955

3.2955 / .4261 = 7.7341 => unvaxed about 7.7x as likely to be hospitalized

Age Breakdown

Comparing Cases per 100k to Hospitalizations per 100k gets us hospitalizations per case.

I did some additional calculations here showing the hospitalizations per case and the multipliers of the hospitalizations per case number for school age kids.

From 7/19/2021 to 8/15/2021

As you can see, despite incredibly high vaccination rates in the over 65 age group (99.9% according to CDC), these age groups still have exceedingly high chance to end up in hospital if they catch it when compared to school age kids.

This ranges from 8.74x (60 to 69 compared to age 0 to 9) to as much as age 80+ are 39.72x more likely to end up in the hospital for a covid positive than people aged 10 to 19.

Data shows vaccinated elderly still highest risk of hospitalization

Notice also that the Breakthrough hospitalizations skew higher ages who got their vaccines earlier and also would be considered higher risk for post vaccine hospitalization.

No one under 30 years old has had a breakthrough hospitalization during this time period.

Racial and Zip data

It’s clear in this data that unfortunately areas with a lot of minorities are currently being hit hardest by this wave

You can also see that many of the areas with the highest cases have lower vaccination rates. This stresses the importance of helping get more in these areas vaccinated.

Here are the zip codes being hardest hit by cases as of 8/15/2021

And here are the zip codes being hit hardest by hospitalizations as of 8/15/2021:

Here is the zip code vaccination chart from County Dashboard (dated 8/24/2021 but should not be much different than 8/15/2021)

CDC county vaccinated data

Previous 7/5/2021 to 8/1/2021 Charts with this data

1 Comment

  1. Very informative! Thanks!

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