The state of Maryland has comprehensive data on both vaccines and cases on a per zip code basis and our analysis shows that vaccines work!
What we did for this analysis is combine the two data sources to measure the relationship they have on each other.
Size Differences of Zip Codes
One thing that becomes very clear looking at the charts is that smaller population zip codes have a lot of outliers in cases per 100k because just a few cases can make it skyrocket.
In the data used from 5/25/2021, a few of these dominated the overall trends.
Because of this, we have several graphs to show the differences isolating population size (or not). There is also separate data for fully vaccinated and partially vaccinated as you will see.
Fully Vaccinated vs Cases
All Size Zip Codes

“Large” Zip Codes – Population > 500

“Small” Zip Codes – Population < 500

Partially Vaccinated vs Cases
All Size Zip Codes

“Large” Zip Codes – Population > 500

“Small” Zip Codes – Population < 500

Sample size and outliers are always important to consider when looking at data like this.
The “Large” zip codes only filter seems to really show an incredible improvement as zip codes get more vaccinations.
This shows a real life application of the power of vaccines and that they do indeed work at reducing overall cases.
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Would love to see the zip codes that our leaders need to be focused on re vaccination rates