Notes: If there are any inaccuracies or to submit additional deals, submit updates on this new form or contact us.

Special may be dine in only. * means special IS dine in only.

Moderately MOCO Specials

Mimi’s Handmade Ice cream (Rockville) – 15% off purchase of $15 or more if you mention “Moderately MOCO”

Seasonal Roots – 80% off membership fee (just $10 to join) by clicking the link or with code “MODERATELYMOCO” (we get something too). Good local fresh produce delivery service.







Daily Specials Database

Mongomery County Daily Food Deals

Day of the WeekRestaurantDealCity/TownWebsiteConfirmed
SATURDAYGreen Bamboo1/2 off sushi on weekendsRockville
SATURDAYHunter’s Bar and Grill*1/2 off Burgers (11:30 am – 4:00 pm)Potomac
SUNDAYGreen Bamboo1/2 off sushi on weekendsRockville
SUNDAYQuincy’sKids eat free, small or large pizza 1/2 price 5-10pmPotomac
MONDAYCafe Rio1/2 Military + First RespondersGermantown / N. Potomac / Olney
MONDAYCreek Lodge1/2 off RibsRockville
MONDAYFlippin’ PizzaBOGO Free pizza 4pm-7:30pmBethesda
MONDAYFontina GrillBOGO1/2 price pastaRockville
MONDAYMamma Lucia’sBOGO pasta for $8Rockville (x2) / Bethesda / Olney / Silver Spring
MONDAYStained Glass Pub*1/2 price pizza w/ purchase of a beverageSilver Spring
MONDAYQuincy’sSouth of the Border Night themed specialsPotomac
MONDAYQuarry House*$6 off burgersSilver Spring
MONDAYMilano’s$10 pizza (with up to 5 toppings)Germantown / Gaithersburg (Rockville)
MONDAYLimerick PubHalf Priced BurgersWheaton
MONDAYSilo Falls$5 burgersBrookeville
MONDAYPaisano’sLarge cheese pizza $7.99Germantown/Gaithersburg
MONDAYPizza Boli’sBOGO Free pizza 4pm-7:30pmGermantown/Gaithersburg/Bethesdahttps://wwwpizzabolis.comYes
MONDAYPinstripesBottomless spaghetti + chop salad for $12Bethesda Yes
MONDAYNot Your Average JoesSmall pizza + glass of wine $15 or large pizza + bottle $30Bethesdahttps://notyouraveragejoes/bethesda
MONDAYSummer HouseKids make your own pizza for $7.95Bethesda
MONDAYSurfside (DC)Kids eat freeDC
MONDAYZao Stamina Ramen$10 ramenBethesda
TUESDAYKabutoKids Eat Free (10 and under) w/ purchase of adult mealRockville
TUESDAYAngelo’s Pasta and Deli10% off delivery (min. $40 order, max 4 mile radius)Rockville
TUESDAYFlippin’ PizzaBOGO Free pizza 4pm-7:30pmBethesda
TUESDAYMamma Lucia’sBOGO pizza for $8Rockville (x2) / Bethesda / Olney / Silver Spring
TUESDAYPotomac PizzaBOGO $.99 large cheese pizzaPotomac / Chevy Chase / Traville
TUESDAYStained Glass Pub*1/2 price pizza w/ purchase of beverageSilver Spring
TUESDAYSilo FallsKids Eat FreeBrookeville
TUESDAYVilla MayaBOGO 50% off fajitasRockville
TUESDAYLimerick Pub*Unlimited bowls of veggie or chicken curryWheaton
TUESDAYLuke’s LobsterKids Eat Free (Grilled Cheese or Hot Dog) w/ $20 purchaseBethesda
TUESDAYQuincy’s1/2 off burgersPotomac
TUESDAYUncle Julio’sTaco Bar Tuesday $12/ppGaithersburg
TUESDAYSole D’ItaliaHalf price pizza (with purchase of beverage and paying cash)Silver Spring (Layhill)
TUESDAYSummer HouseKids make your own pizza for $7.95Bethesda
TUESDAYSusan’s Cafe$5 Chicken ShawarmaRedland / Muncaster
TUESDAYLedo’s$6 calzoneGermantown / Bethesda
WEDNESDAYKabutoKids Eat Free (10 and under) w/ purchase of adult mealRockville
WEDNESDAYFish Taco$8 BurritoBethesda
WEDNESDAYFontina GrillBOGO 1/2 pizzaRockville
WEDNESDAYPotomac Pizza25% off wingsPotomac / Chevy Chase / Traville
WEDNESDAYRed Robin1/2 price Kids MenuGermantown
WEDNESDAYThe Big Greek Cafe$6 gyrosRockville / Bethesda / Kensington / Silver Spring (2x)
WEDNESDAYStained Glass Pub*1/2 burgers w/ purchase of beverage. 1/2 Price Wine BottlesSilver Spring
WEDNESDAYSummer HouseKids make your own pizza for $7.95North Bethesda
THURSDAYMamma Lucia’sBOGO $8 Eggplant or Chicken ParmigianaRockville (x2) / Bethesda / Olney / Silver Spring
THURSDAYAngelo’s Pasta and Deli$7 8′ italian cold cut subRockville
THURSDAYLimerick Pub*2011 prices on many food itemsWheaton
THURSDAYQuincy’s10 wings + pitcher for $15Potomac
THURSDAYSummer HouseKids make your own pizza for $7.95North Bethesda
Special may be dine in only.
* means special IS dine in only.

Database Images

It seems the dynamic tables don’t work well on phones so here is the list in image form.