Covid and Vaccines Recents News Roundup – 2/2/21 – AstraZeneca Vaccine, Instant Tests

This is a recent Covid and Vaccine news roundup instead of the usual sharing of single links. I hope you like it

Learning Disabilities Lead to Higher Risk

Study shows people with learning disabilities at higher risk of death due to Covid.



Reliable at home covid tests coming

This has potential to help prevent spread a lot by getting easy to sleep use, reliable home instant tests available hopefully cheap. 





Many new updates on AstraZeneca / Oxford vaccine:

  1. 76% effective during the three months after the first shot. This rose to 82% after people were given the second dose. This includes doing second dose 3 months later. UK is going with single dose because of these numbers. 
  2. Summary of disputes with UK and AstraZeneca amid issues with rollout 
  3. Some Countries, including Germany, have warned against use of the Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccine for those over the age of 65.