Introduction Board meeting begins with Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. Agenda is revised and appointments are announced for associate superintendent position. Detailed AI Generated Summary for [Board of Education – Board Business Meeting – 5/25/23]( ) Appointments [00:08]( ) New appointments in Montgomery County Public Schools – Several newContinue Reading

The Montgomery County Student Member of the Board (SMOB) Election will be held this week on April 19. The SMOB is a voting member of the Board of Education (BOE) elected solely by students. You can read more about the BOE structure here. You can read more about the finalistsContinue Reading

The Montgomery County Student Member of the Board (SMOB) Election will be held this week on April 19. The SMOB is a voting member of the Board of Education (BOE) elected solely by students. You can read more about the BOE structure here. You can read more about the finalistsContinue Reading

Introduction Montgomery County, Maryland is known for its diverse population and economic prosperity. Understanding its government structure is crucial for residents who wish to stay informed and participate in their local community. This blog post aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the Montgomery County government structure, shedding light onContinue Reading

Nick Asante (MCPS BOE SMOB) on Instagram (@nickasante_) released some updates on the current status of the construction planned for Poolesville High school and Neelesville Middle School.  This is not all that is going on with the CIP (capital improvements program) under review and being amended.  Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement HeContinue Reading