By Dana Noga Background We recently wrote about the Community Engagement Officer (CEO) program and Discipline report being in the spotlight at County Council committee meetings. This piece is a follow up to that which will cover CEO the portion of the meeting. You can view the entire meeting here.Continue Reading

Background On Wednesday 3/15, Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich released his budget which included an 8% overall increase in budget and 10% increase for MCPS. The cost to tax payers is being advertised as a “10 cents” increase but amounts to about a 10% increase in the tax rate fromContinue Reading

Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Mathematics Proficiency – Update Executive Summary The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) requires standardized tests to measure proficiency in math. Previous reports on were updated to include new 2022 data. Additionally, MCPS math proficiency in 2022 was compared to other Maryland districts. BackgroundContinue Reading

New York Post Report According to the New York Post today, a press release from police read that Naod Nega (former resident of Ashton, Maryland in Montgomery County who went to Dematha) “was initially sectioned to a local hospital on Monday, January 23rd after he was threatening students on campusContinue Reading

Last week I sat down to interview a really bright MCPS 9th grader who was introduced to me because they didn’t feel safe at their school and wanted to speak out about it. Our almost 2 hour long talk ranged over a vast array of topics but chief among themContinue Reading

Just recently, MCPS highlighted some performance data showing improvements over the downturns from 2020 with pandemic school closures. Unbeknownst to most, today the state of Maryland also released their state spring 2022 MCAP assessment data for English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics, so let’s take a look at that. FullContinue Reading

Have you heard?  A “game-changing” health institute is coming to ‘North Bethesda’. Note: back in my school days, say early 2000s, we simply called “North Bethesda” Rockville or White Flint.  Re-elected “At Large” Council Member Evan Glass proclaimed in his ‘Glass Gazette’ E-Newsletter: “With the signing of a new partnership betweenContinue Reading

Posted 10/28/2022. See our other reports on MCPS test data here Executive Summary Data for English Language Arts (ELA) grades 3, 5, 8, and 10 were analyzed for 2019 and 2021, specifically: 2021 number of students tested, the number of proficient students, and the percent of proficient students by gradeContinue Reading