Overview In the voter data coming out after early voting, the number of votes in Montgomery County compared to Maryland total seemed pretty low. Upon further investigation, Montgomery County’s votes so far are the second worst county in Maryland based on comparing county voting age population. The data is fromContinue Reading

Executive Summary The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) requires standardized tests to measure proficiency in English Language Arts (ELA) and Math. MCPS has a diverse community of students; there are over 120 languages spoken by the more than 26,000 students enrolled in the ESOL program. The top 5 languagesContinue Reading

Since MCPS released their metrics for a possible reopening (https://moderatelymoco.com/mcps-updates-metrics-on-hybrid-and-in-person-schooling-groups-at-boe-meeting/), we’ve been taking a look at how those compare to other nearby school systems and state guidance. As you can see, MCPS is a clear outlier and the most restrictive of any local or state guidance we could find. MCPSContinue Reading