This Tracker page for Montgomery County Local Races and Ballot Questions will be updated with live results but check the links for the latest. (NOTE: these are far from final the votes are just starting to come in) Last Update: 11/05/2020 9:30AM Montgomery County Board of Education Latest results: Reading

After receiving feedback from parents and childcare providers from the proposed executive order that reduced child care facilities to 50% capacity The county council requested and received an updated order: Twitter post on the update from Councilmember Andrew Friedson: Advertisement When asked on Twitter if there were any other changesContinue Reading

Nick Asante (MCPS BOE SMOB) on Instagram (@nickasante_) released some updates on the current status of the construction planned for Poolesville High school and Neelesville Middle School.  This is not all that is going on with the CIP (capital improvements program) under review and being amended.  Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement HeContinue Reading

Unofficial Notes (session 1) Session #1 Slides WXY Presentation Session #2 Slides and Poll Results Advertisement Interactive Boundary Explorer Tool Advertisement Advertisement Official Cheat Sheet / Guide to using tool: Reading