Great Seneca Science Corridor Planning There is a lot of new development going on or soon to be going on in the Great Seneca Science Corridor which is part of Rockville. From the Montgomery Planning main page here you can navigate to look at different aspects of the plan. ThereContinue Reading

Background A shocking article by WJLA news just came out documenting an investigation underway into Planning Board Chair Casey Anderson’s use of alcohol in the office. Email To Montgomery Planning In response to word of this investigation becoming public knowledge, Planning Board Chair Casey Anderson sent out the following emailContinue Reading

Like clockwork, an August press release by Montgomery County, MD government crowed “Montgomery County has maintained its “Triple-A” bond rating for 2022 from the three major Wall Street bond rating agencies.” But there is a glaring difference from the last time Montgomery County politicians put out such a positive spin on localContinue Reading

MCPS Ethics Policy You can view the official MCPS and MCPS BOE Ethics Policy here. After reading the ethics policy and hearing that Joftus has said he will recuse himself from these decisions regarding KID Museum, it became clear to that he is following ethics guidelines by the rules. JoftusContinue Reading

Editor Note: A recent decision about the charter amendment process has reignited conversation about the last time around. Ballot Question C Added On August 4th 2020 the County Council introduced and adopted a resolution for a ballot question adding two seats to the county council. This question was placed onContinue Reading

Background You may remember that on 7/22 there was a seemingly huge jump in covid positive hospital admissions On 7/29 we posted an update which included multiple responses from DHHS and other government officials. We maintained, despite resistance that there was likely either an error or it was a dataContinue Reading

Previous Article For Context Responses From DHHS, Dr. Stoddard, And Others I wanted to thank Dr. Earl Stoddard, DHHS, Councilmember Friedson and County Executive Elrich for responding to our questions today. Here are some of the responses which acknowledge and attempt to explain the discrepancies. Issue With Counting Alternate CareContinue Reading

7/29/2022 – Update – Earl Stoddard and MOCO DHHS Respond 7/26/2022 – MOCO Dashboard, DHHS, Elrich Claim High Communities Levels See the MOCO Covid Dashboard here which began showing “Community Level Status: High” a few days ago: Here are some official tweets about it from DHHS and the CountyContinue Reading