February 20, 2024 On February 16, 2024 County Executive Marc Elrich submitted the following comments about the Takoma Park Minor Master Plan. We will show a summarization of the main parts first, followed by the County Department recommendations and then a link to the full PDF. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement OverallContinue Reading

Below is a detailed Summary for the first group of planning board commissioner finalists (including direct links to each answer by each person). It is from the May 2, 2023 – Council Session (pm) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_4i_6_gbEg) You can take a look at our previous piece summarizing the finalists resumes andContinue Reading

On Tuesday 5/2/2023, there was a virtual forum hosted by MCPS and featuring Dr. McKnight, Councilmember Jawando, Dr. Williams and BOE member Silvestre. Esther Wells live tweeted the meeting and her tweets have been cataloged into the piece below with some minor edits for clarity. Q: Budgets are in, whatContinue Reading

Today, the Montgomery County Council announced that the planning board finalists for the remaining two positions (one for planning board chair and a planning board member). Interviews will take place at the Tuesday 5/2 County Council Meeting. We will have more coverage of this following the interviews and more researchContinue Reading

Today, the Montgomery County Council announced that the planning board finalists for the remaining two positions (one for planning board chair and a planning board member). Interviews will take place at the Tuesday 5/2 County Council Meeting. We will have more coverage of this following the interviews and more researchContinue Reading

Background Information Last year on October 12, 2022, all 5 Montgomery County Planning Board members resigned (Montgomery Planning) as requested by the County Council amid multiple scandals (The Washington Post – gfted). This was precipitated by numerous events that we covered: The original scandal involving Casey Anderson liquor use onContinue Reading

Have you heard?  A “game-changing” health institute is coming to ‘North Bethesda’. Note: back in my school days, say early 2000s, we simply called “North Bethesda” Rockville or White Flint.  Re-elected “At Large” Council Member Evan Glass proclaimed in his ‘Glass Gazette’ E-Newsletter: “With the signing of a new partnership betweenContinue Reading

You can see some previous background on this project here from the City of Gaithersburg. Video / Livestream I attempted to livestream the event on Facebook but due to technical difficulties most of the audio is hard to hear. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement After the presentation was over, I took aContinue Reading