August 19, 2024 – 5:32pm. Updated 8/19/24 at 10pm to include article by MCM and image/quotes. Today 4 MCPS Schools were vandalized with graffiti that included “politically-charged graffiti, antisemitic iconography (including swastikas), and, in some instances, anti-LGBTQ+ language” according to a letter from MCPS. This occurred just a week afterContinue Reading

May 7, 2024 Background In January 2024, we posted the initial Part 1 which featured a very detailed series of graphs and charts showing how anti-Jewish Hate/Bias incidents in Montgomery County Maryland have increased over the timeframe of July 2022 to October 2024 (inclusive) as compared to Hate/Bias incidents againstContinue Reading

October 13, 2023 – Darci Rochkind – Senior at MCPS High School On Wednesday, Dr. Monifa B. McKnight, superintendent of Montgomery County Public Schools, released a statement encouraging parents to “be vigilant regarding distressing social media content.” She urged parents to talk to their students “about the content they mayContinue Reading