BOE to Announce MCPS Superintendant On Monday June 17, 3pm

June 14, 2024

On Friday June 14 starting around 4:15pm communication began coming out that the “Montgomery County Board of Education will make an announcement about the superintendency of Montgomery County Public Schools at 3:00 p.m., Monday, June 17” along with other information about the budget being approved

Full text below:

Board to Make Announcement About MCPS Superintendent Monday, June 17

The Montgomery County Board of Education will make an announcement about the superintendency of Montgomery County Public Schools at 3:00 p.m., Monday, June 17. The Board conducted a thorough national search that included robust community input. This input helped shape a leadership profile that guided the Board during candidate review. Community leaders were also included in the interview process. Learn more about community engagement during the superintendent search, including what we learned, on our website.

The Board is pleased to report that a number of experienced, diverse, and highly-qualified candidates were considered for the superintendent position. “We are excited to announce our final candidate to the community,” said Board President Karla Silvestre. “The Board is confident in this leader’s ability to guide MCPS forward.”

The announcement will be livestreamed via the MCPS homepage at The Board will formally appoint the new superintendent at its regularly scheduled business meeting June 25.

Additional items from the full email can be found here.

This comes a few weeks after we reported that sources indicate Felder was not in the running for the permanent position:

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