2024 BOE Finalist Candidate Questionnaire – Natalie Zimmerman (District 2)

October 17, 2024

We sent the following questionnaire to all 6 BOE finalist candidates and will be posting each of them individually (in the order received) as well as a comparison between them on another page.

These are the responses by Natalie Zimmerman who is running for District 2 (everyone in the County can vote regardless of district).

Note: Please read to the end as the candidates were given an open-ended text area to explain any yes/no answers or questions they chose not to answer. You can also check out our recent BOE candidate forum or the one we did before the primary for more information.

Are you in favor of reinstating final exams for all high school classes?


I am in favor for two main reasons: The first is that our educators are asking for them. It’s a way to hold students accountable for their coursework. My second reason is that it will help prepare our students for college coursework where they will have to take final exams.

Are you in favor of using class rank in high schools as a reportable metric?


I am not in favor because those students that choose to go to a college or university will be reporting many other metrics to that institution, so this metric is not needed.

Are you in favor of eliminating the 50% rule for grading?


I am in favor. In MCPS, we utilize 3 different metrics for Evidence of Learning and one of the metrics is classroom grades. Students’ grades should be accurately reported based on the work they have actually completed. Unless we have evidence that they are making progress towards meeting a standard, we should not be reporting otherwise.

Are you in favor of implementing an advanced science course track for middle school?


Of course I am in favor of students getting what they need from their school system, so if students are needing an advanced placement course in science in middle school, they should be able to partake in that. Prior to this course though, I would like to see us invest in science and STEM for our students who will be taking the Maryland Integrated Science Assessment in fifth grade. In 2023, only 31.1 percent of students were proficient in science and we see virtually no improvement when students are tested again in eighth grade as the 2023 proficiency percentage was 31.6 percent. While some students are ready for more, we need to be enhancing what we are doing for all students when it comes to science instruction. The first actionable step I’d like to see is a STEM special at the elementary level and gifted and talented coaching occurring at all levels of MCPS.

Are you in favor of revamping the elementary school social studies curriculum to include a comprehensive overview of 20th century history (including Depression, WW2, Holocaust, Cold War, FDR, JFK)?


I am in favor of a robust social studies curriculum at all levels of MCPS. We must be teaching the full scope of history to our students.

Are you in favor of allowing parents to opt-out of curriculum for religious reasons?


I support Maryland law that allows for families to opt-out of the human health and sexuality portion of the curriculum. I do not support opting out of other portions of the curriculum.

Are you in favor of keeping schools open and without mask requirements during surges of seasonal illnesses?

This question is very broad. I can tell you that I have seen illnesses go through classrooms and grade-levels where even teachers are affected by the illness. I do not support MCPS moving to a fully virtual model when some of the students are sick. I have 2 students with strep throat absent from my class this week, but there’s no reason to shut down the class despite this small surge of streptococcal pharyngitis. I have also taught a class of three out of twenty-three students because everyone else was home. In that instance, I wish I could have been instructing all of my students who were well enough to be online and learning while they were contagious. While I understand that the main surge of COVID-19 has passed, I would like us to continue with funding that will provide masks for students and staff who wish to wear one, adequate cleaning products available for classroom use (ex: tissues and sanitizing wipes), and for Covid leave, should staff again be asked to stay home for x number of days after exposure and symptoms.

Are you in favor of reinstating the traditional SRO program in high schools, with an officer assigned to each school?


I do not think a traditional SRO program needs to be reinstated. MCPS does need to get better data on their current Community Engagement Officer program. When I look for data about the program and how it’s functioning, there is nothing available. This program has been functioning for about five years, so data should be available. Conversely, the new reading program that was rolled out in MCPS in August will be producing its first round of measurable metrics before the end of the first quarter. The data exists, but it must be examined and then brought to the Board. From here, with community partners and with stakeholder input, we can determine where we should go next with our programming and funding.

Are you in favor of implementing merit-based pay increases and bonuses for teachers?


I am not in favor of merit-based pay for teachers. All of our educators want what is best for their students and all of us hope to see our students succeed, but there are many factors in their success that are out of the educator’s control. They should not be penalized for things they cannot control.

Are you in favor of an Inspector General-led full audit of MCPS finances?


I am in favor of an audit of our finances. I want to know where every dollar is going so it can be well spent on the business of educating our students.

Are you in favor of a more widely-available COSA program where students could select a high school where they might feel more comfortable?

This question is not specific enough to answer with a yes or no. I believe that we should be increasing our consortium models so students can have more options when they go to high school. This will decrease the amount of bussing for students. I’d also like to see us increase the seats we have in magnet programs, International Baccalaureate programs, and advanced placement classes.

Are you in favor of county taxpayers funding MCPS over the Maintenance of Effort requirement?


I am in favor. We have seen our students’ needs increase while our dollar’s value going to MCPS is decreasing. We are asking the system to do more with less. Extra funding will allow for more educators, better supports, high-quality curricula, and more.

Are you in favor of the position of a Board of Education member becoming full-time and then aligning a pay structure similar to County Councilmembers?


I believe the Board should be a full time position. There are 211 schools and a 3.3 billion dollar budget at stake. We ask our greatest oversight body to do this work in 25 hours per week? We need to make this a full time position so members of the Board can dedicate their full attention to matters of MCPS.

Do you support reinstating the Montgomery Virtual Academy (MVA) until there is a comparable state option?


I support the reinstatement of the Montgomery Virtual Academy. I believe that the way we treated MVA staff, students, and families was very disrespectful this past budget season. I would like to see us make Montgomery County a “hub” of sorts so we can welcome students from other counties, as there is not a state supported virtual model.

Do you support a cell phone use ban during school time (note that doesn’t mean not being able to have them)


I do support this. I think our students will need a gradual release of responsibility as they mature so we as the adults can teach them when it is and is not appropriate to use their cell phone. I’d like to see us work with stakeholders to get a more creative policy than a simple “allowed” or “banned”.

Are you in favor of publicly posting MCPS MPIA requests and responses?


I am in favor because if someone is requesting information, there is not a reason for it to be held. Unless it is a personnel matter, it can be shared publicly.

Are you in favor of posting school community letters on the school and/or MCPS websites?


Yes, I would like to see these posted on the school’s website. I believe there are greater structural barriers to this as not every administrator is also the website’s owner and updater.

Are you in favor of the policy extending excused absences for student walkouts and/or protests during school hours? 


I am in favor of this policy because students do have the right to free speech, the right to protest, and the right to assemble. These actions must be respectful and cannot have any hate speech or violence.

Are you in favor of installing metal detectors and/or bag checks for entry into Middle and/or High Schools?


I am not in favor of this because we have better options that we are piloting. Students should not feel like they are going to a prison when they enter school. These pilot programs do similar work as metal detectors, but are completely noninvasive.

Special Ed: Are you in favor of moving the burden of proof to the school system instead of families? (See opinion piece here for explanation: https://moderatelymoco.com/david-vs-goliath-parents-and-advocates-pitted-against-msea-and-school-districts-in-the-maryland-legislature/)


I do not specifically support this initiative because the burden of proof lies in the complainant in any case before a judge. I would like to see MCPS do a better job of communicating with parents about special education services. Many families do not know all of their rights, and the documents sent home at the beginning of an Individualized Education Plan meeting can be daunting and confusing – especially if English is not someone’s preferred language. I think we have work to do from an MCPS perspective before we can advocate for changes to state law.

Order the following priorities you believe should apply when considering school boundary changes (separate by commas for consistency): utilization, proximity, diversity, stability

There is a reason why our policy is written to consider all of these priorities. All of them are priorities for a reason. Putting one above the rest is not prudent to the discussion.

You can provide any explanations below for your answers above that you feel are necessary:

Explanations have been put in line based upon responses.

Website and Endorsements

Learn more about Natalie Zimmerman on her website here or check out her list of endorsements here.

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